Someone please explain to me why you would vote Tory.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tommygoldy, May 8, 2015.

  1. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I didn't think we were allowed to discus politics on here.

    It is interesting though. I am seeing us pseudo hippy bus owners as a bunch of white collar suburban types, all reading the Times on Sunday morning over a boiled egg, then spending the rest of the morning washing the van ala Terry and June. Morning Vicar. Lol
  2. I blame Thatcher!
    Poptop2 likes this.
  3. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Bus ownership for all?
  4. If it wasn't already privatised!
    Poptop2 likes this.
  5. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    So I looked at the figures for London.

    The conservatives lost 1 seat.

    Lib Dems lost 6.

    Labour gained 7.

    London only has 3 parties represented and only 1 seat of 73 not from the big two which to me is the opposite of bold considering the socio economic and ethnic diversity.

    Had London had a viable 4 th option (interesting UKIP weren't) like SNP I suspect those new Labour votes might have gone there.

    Broadly I think the Lib Dem hammering across the country was seen in London, just they didn't go to the Tories is all.
    vanorak and pkrboo like this.
  6. Hasn't the old white / blue collar divide faded away now with the decline in manual working jobs and the rise of the service sector? I think this, and the decline of the trade unions, is why Labour struggles to have a clear identity and solid core support.
    Moons likes this.
  7. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    I'm camping :p
    (Still keeping an eye though)
    CollyP and Terrordales like this.
  8. I think the Labour dilemma is an interesting one - you can't get into parliament now without support from the media, even (or maybe especially) when targeting the working classes, who are largely owned and run by rich right wing folks. I'm not so sure that the manual vs service sector change is the issue so much as the need to find and identity that gets influential Tory-type support from the bigwigs in order to reach (or counteract the arguments the Tories and Tory media are feeding to) the people who would/should in theory benefit most from traditional left wing policies.

    This dilemma is compounded by the frustrating fact that the most support they've ever had in recent (ish) times came when they became almost right wing.

    I'd really love a genuine socialist(ish) party to be viable and achieve popularity across the whole UK, and I have to say I'm intensely irritated by the LibDems' failure to maintain trust in their word or build themselves a credible image when in government as if they had it would have been an excellent USP for them vs the others.
    vanorak, 72wilma and Merlin Cat like this.
  9. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    I hope all you angry people have calmed down now, the Tories won get on with it
    Dicky, Jono1249 and chad like this.
  10. Actually, if I'm honest, what annoys me most is that image is almost EVERYTHING in politics (also irritating because it seems their actual actions are irelevant to the electorate), and I frankly have no idea at all who would really be best at choosing policies and running the country because that's not something that's ever communicated. It doesn't matter how much I inform myself so I know at least a little of the theory behind all kinds of areas of government because what they say in their manifestos (actually sod the manifestos, nobody reads them, it's what they say in soundbites that the media report) is b*llocks, they are not held accountable for selling one image and doing other things when in power.

    I used to work in advertising, and left in part because I dislike the ethos behind the industry, and they are significantly more regulated than politicians and their political campaigns. Hell, I suspect even bankers are more regulated than politicians!

    (sorry OP, this is completely off topic re London and the rest of the country! - FWIW I think Londoners are probably closer to the rich-poor divide and see it more closely day in day out, as well as London often seeing the actual results of any policies before the rest of the country (imho the volume and the being packed to capacity shows up flaws in things quicker) and thus don't believe the pap about how "we're all in it together" and so on.)
    vanorak, 72wilma and tommygoldy like this.
  11. Maggies' dead. :)
  12. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    They slaughtered Labour at the poles
    chad likes this.
  13. :chewie:
  14. I'm perfectly calm. I voted Labour, despite my rervations as they most closely align with my politics. I don't agree with all they do or have done. I don't think slaughtered is possibly the right word. They did do better than expected and I accept the outcome but I don't have to like it.
    vanorak, paradox and Barry Haynes like this.
  15. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Dicky you voted Labour, I am a Tory , I'm not going to change your view nor you mine, but I'm sure you will agree that there is no need for people to get quite angry and abusive because you don't share their political view
    chad likes this.
  16. because I couldn't trust the labour party with my grand daughters pocket money never mind the nations.
    chad likes this.
  17. How are you a Tory if you didn't vote?

    Don't think anyone got angry or abusive really did they?
  18. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Just because I didn't vote doesn't mean I'm not a Tory , same as someone who doesn't attend a football match doesn't mean they are not a supporter
  19. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    If you read the comments I think some where
  20. I didn't get that to be honest. People are entitled to be passionate about something they believe in. I'm happy to argue with anyone in a discursive way, there's usually no atresia involved although it is possible we have different perceptions.
    Merlin Cat likes this.

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