
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zed, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. Thanks but Im usually more of a ranter than a considered writer. Im also quite honest about my views and standpoint (which admittedly may vary slightly). I expect the rest of the righties to respond shortly. It must be a slow evening. Is Bode your alter ego then or are you different people?
  2. Who has offered a solution? My second last line did offer one by the way. I don't attack anyone in posts, only ideologies and raise controversial subjects for debate. The subjects perhaps politicians are afraid to discuss.

    Where are my politics? I wouldn't align myself to any party, I don't have any time for extremists or political correctness. I studied politics for a while, I've grown up seeing what extreme left wing nutters do to a country, the religious nutters and the moderates who try to appease extremists. I've seen how extremists exploit moderates and liberals to further their extremist goals. I've grown up in a much harsher political backdrop to the majority of you, so will have a very different perspective. Perhaps I need to invent a new common sense ideology? But I might call myself a socialist of some sort.

    I don't see any politicians or ideology cracking down on extremism in any meaningful way. Yes there is a policing/ military response and people talk about stopping it, but the moderate bubble they are living in is allowing another monster to grow.

    I might be Woody's prototype bay driving alter ego. :)
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2016
    chad likes this.
  3. Prototype! Im not wasting any more time on you!
    bode likes this.
  4. I've yet to see or hear of Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jews , rastas etc etc in traditional dress blowing themselves up on trains or machine gunning night clubs.
    Lasty likes this.
  5. Reread and agreed on the migration issue. Shutting down extremism will need some big decisions and a few eggs will get broken. Even as a left wing pinko im resigned to that.
  6. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    So why didn't you say that in the first place then? Have the courage of your convictions and say you don't like Muslims who wear traditional dress because they might blow us up. I mean, you mention the Koran too so you must know a good deal about what is and isn't in it, and be able to educate us who might not be so knowledgable as you are. Just out of interest, do you know if the killers in those cases you mention were wearing traditional clothes? They might well have been, I just wondered if you know though....
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2016
  7. Start with religious schools, a complete ban, religious classes can be under the supervision of state schools.
    An education course for newcomers if they plan to live here, tell the eastern europeans not to drink and drive, tell the Muslims not to beat women, but they might need a much longer course! :)
    Remove street signs in non UK languages to remove ghettos and alienation.
    Encourage English language and dress.
    Ban on Sharia courts, properly enforced.
    Send Corbyn and his thugs to Cuba.
    Send the EDL to Argentina.

    Nothing inflammatory there. :)
  8. i d like to offer you an invite to n ireland , derry , all you have to pay is your flights , everything you have mentioned has been in force in ireland for 600 years by the british , come and see howthe catholics and prods do it , the prods want to be and claim to be more british that the british , but yet in the last month 1000 000 hAVE applied for irish pass ports ,? if you have a british one you are more likely to be murdered ,
    Coco likes this.
  9. tell the Muslims not to beat women
    so do english and irish and welsh and scots and french etc
  10. Im coming round! In all seriousness i would love to see an end to faith schools and the enforced teaching of religion, sorry, i mean indoctrination. I dont have an issue and believe it is right to teach our children about faiths and cultures but lets start with our own culture and teach citizenship. Dangerous, i know as your only a step away from teaching nationalism. Lets teach social and economic history so they understand why the world is such a screwed up place. What our national role was in contributing significantly to that and why might be disliked to give them a grounding in our role and place in the world today. tell them about how their rights came about and why its important to uphold those rights. About political freedom, off choice........

    Muslim beating of women... A Tad inflammatory. Im not sure how common that is but domestic abuse shouldnt be tolerated at all. I dont know that many Muslim families but it doesnt seem the norm to me. I do however have a view that we shouldnt turn back 100 years of female emancipation to cow tow to either religion or ethnic tradition and the rights of all people should not be degraded by religion.

    Eastern euros.... I wasnt aware that was an issue. Its one of information and policing. Ok! Indeed education for migrants in how to appropriately conduct themselves lawfully wouldnt be a bad thing.

    Language and dress isnt abiggy for me tbh, neither is signage.

    Sharia law... No brainer

    Corbyn ... Im working on it

    EDL i couldnt possibly wish them on anyone.

    Religion generally..... Not keen on any of them but the preaching of hate, prejudice, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia from any quarter whether religious or political is the route of evil. " worshipping the devil in the name of god!"

    I feel better now!
    cunny44, bode and Merlin Cat like this.
  11. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Surely the primary issue is the aethiests etc aren't organised.
    Dicky likes this.
  12. While you all are concerned about europe. Thus guy almost slipped in to the usa .

  13. It's written in the Quran, there are various translations:

    "Allah has made men superior to women because men spend their wealth to support them. Therefore, virtuous women are obedient, and they are to guard their unseen parts as Allah has guarded them. As for women whom you fear will rebel, admonish them first, and then send them to a separate bed, and then beat them. But if they are obedient after that, then do nothing further; surely Allah is exalted and great!"

    It was the domestic abuse I witnessed in Kenilworth Road, Luton, massive Muslim population. Allowing another man to enter the house without permission from the husband was the crime. It was part of my job at the time to check safety. I called at another house in Cambridge, young good looking girl, makeup, nice clothes, hands me the phone so that I could get permission from her boyfriend to go inside; there was an argument on the phone after that and she looked scared/ nervous.

    Saw another couple at a bus stop a few weeks ago, the woman had a recent knife wound across her entire face. I think if that had a been a racist attack it would have been all over the local news, but to me this looked like a deliberate act, it looked carefully done and straight. I can't be sure of course but it just seemed suspicious.

    Of course there is domestic abuse shielsy, but it isn't accepted practice and is punishable by courts. Their courts encourage it.
  14. I don't doubt your experience but its not something I've come across directly in every day life. as for - their courts then there shouldn't be any!
    cunny44 likes this.
  15. Well anyway, nothing can be done to change Muslim attitudes and as I said before, we will have to accept these difficulties as a consequence of Europe's migration policy, shame they didn't think it through or ask us first.
  16. The muslims come to live here and throughout Europe. They bring their customs and attitudes with them. They are in a minority. They don't like our ways and the freedom our women have and the way we regard women as equals. They don't like the way our women dress. They don't like the way our women go out and drink like the lads.

    Muslims are not compatible with our western ways.

    We are far too tolerant of them. They are not tolerant of us. Muslims don't integrate with us, they can't, they are too different. When I worked in Oman, I lived in the community and had to accept major differences. Oman is not my country, I didn't like some of the things I saw, but had to accept their customs and rules. I had to behave and dress according to their rules.

    I showed them every respect. Sadly when they come here and set up camp, they don't do the same.

    When I was in Oman, I found the late teens/early twenties males to be very frustrated as the old men with money were marrying the teen girls and shutting them out. The sexual freedoms we have in the UK and Europe don't exist in Oman and probably other Muslim countries, and that does bring about a situation of a lot of young and frustrated males.

    When I was there, a lot of the young chaps would go the short trip to Bombay or further to Bangkok once flights started from Muscat, for their relaxation.

    I did feel for them and maybe when all those male refugees come into Europe they find a world where it appears anything goes and they go off the rails.

    So many instances now of their extreme and unacceptable behaviour. I fear there will be reprisals against them as people become fed up with them and see them as trouble.
    cunny44 and art b like this.
  17. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    I just don't find that statement supportable.
  18. If it isn't written in the Koran about wearing the burka etc - then I can't quote something that isn't there. The burka is a cultural thing from certain areas of the Middle East - nothing to do with religion
  19. I just don't find that statement supportable. Men live like it's 1000AD in their attitudes to women. I don't see them as a progressive society.
  20. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    And what about the women in said same society?

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