Cummings resigns

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SweeneyTodd, Nov 13, 2020.

  1. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    I’ve long held that the actual green agenda is there needs to be less of ‘us’’s interesting that you have evidence on that line.

    You look at how humans treat animals, or often others humans, and it’s not hard to conclude that each year we become more able to survive most maladies, we move closer to a single big event.....and we deserve that.
  2. DubCat

    DubCat Sponsor

    That's what I said :lol:
    Suss likes this.
  3. DubCat

    DubCat Sponsor

    Logan's Run, now that was a film. Especially liked the TS Elliot reference with Peter Ustinov and his moggies.
    DubCat likes this.
  5. Faust

    Faust Supporter

    I have no evidence Moons , just presumption as it's never really talked of ....but ask them , and i don't think you would get much of an answer as it's a big issue , costing votes likely .
    They may well say 2 children to each family restriction which would help ...but would they even dare call that card .
  6. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Was a disaster in China.

    I think voluntary euthanasia will be first.

    Then it depends on your level of conspiracy theory. Might we all become slaves to our Chinese overlords. Might Russia’s long game of infiltrating western governments turn us socialist overnight. Might the next pandemic be another weaponised strain if SARS but be more easily spread.

    Do you fix overpopulation by releasing something that knocks back the population by 50% each decade, whilst the rich sit in hermetically sealed bubbles? Covid has claimed a couple of celebrities but no one truly rich or a mover on a world stage has it? Strange that...

    That includes two prime candidates in fat, middle or old aged western leaders with dodgy barnets.
  7. Faust

    Faust Supporter

    The rich well is that also a presumption or a fact . didn't help the Jewish community in Nazi Germany sadly
  8. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Reminded me of this.

    Pedro del monkeybike likes this.
  9. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    That’s a deeply complex subject filled with sorrow.

    It is a bit weird apparently none of the super rich or super influencers have died from this.

    I’m not promoting death for anyone. I’d be interested to see the stats overlaid on to financial power of individuals.
  10. Faust

    Faust Supporter

    Well i suppose the super rich are in places way out of the way and pay for deliveries for one ,not a Tesco van god forbid, a chopper more like brimmed with goodies and stacked in a warehouse for a week or so to avoid contamination .
    They run big business run by undermanager's whilst they enjoy country life and coin it in whilst they sleep .

    A lot are self made business men and got where they are by hard commitment's there if you want it if you have the drive .
    But most don't including me. Everything comes at a cost of some sort in life
  11. Bacardi and coke does that me!:oops::rolleyes:
    crossy2112 likes this.
  12. They were sterilizing 'degenerates and imbeciles' in California and other US states back in 1909. The law was only repealed in 1979. Few people are aware that the Rockefeller Foundation funded a great deal of Mengele's early research. The Nazi eugenics programme was largely based on the US model. They don't like to mention it in the land of the free.

    Here's Justice Wendell Holmes Jr's take on it at the time : “It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind.... Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” Such is the arrogance of the comfortably well off.

    Dominic Cummings, as you know, has discussed genetic engineering and selective IVF for IQ at great length in his blog. He was instrumental in the appointment of Andrew Sabinsky who was an advocate for enforced contraception to stop unplanned pregnancies creating a "permanent underclass". Fortunately, both have now left the building, but it's should serve as a reminder of how these views continue to take root in the echelons of power. You may agree with them, who knows? Personally, I believe that inequality is the root cause of the majority of the world's ills, rather than over population; too much in the hands of too few, who have no desire to relinquish.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2020
  13. I thought a recent report concluded the population of the earth was leveling out and in some areas decreasing?
  14. DubCat

    DubCat Sponsor

    'Fraid not. David Attenborough's been talking about this issue for ages. We have to slow the population growth before there isn't enough food to feed everyone. Ignore the fake doctor moron(s), this needs addressing urgently.
    Faust, Baysearcher and Davipon like this.
  15. I do think it depends on how you eat and the supply line to your table. Mass farming is a very wasteful process as well as not nice for the critters. I like my meat to have had a bit of fresh air and frolicking before its cooked. Same for veg and salad (less frolicking obvs!) I eat organic because it seems sensible to me and the benefits mean I don't need insulin. Maybe fewer mass farmers would help the numbers.:rolleyes:
    Jack Tatty likes this.
  16. It supposedly takes about 6kg of plant protein to produce a kg of animal protein. The greenhouse gasses emitted from agriculture is as big an issue as the use of fossil fuels. And water usage by agriculture is unbelievable if I remember rightly. Is it not more likely that governments around the world will enforce vegetarianism on the populace, before enforcing strict reproduction limits?
    I understand people won't want to give up meat, but then they don't want to give up the choice of having kids either. And as food becomes scarcer, as the rest of the world start eating more western diets it may become a straight choice between the two?
    Merlin Cat and Davipon like this.
  17. I'm happy for everyone to do as I did 30 years ago, things have moved on from 2 bricks!:eek:
    Meltman likes this.
  18. Chrisd

    Chrisd Supporter

    I thought that was only for camels?
  19. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    We're getting too good at suppressing the maniacs that do all the culling :rolleyes:

    Anyone in favour of the purge :D
  20. Faust

    Faust Supporter

    Just changing the subject slightly Dr S .
    Would like to know if you also thought that the competitors on Come Dancing are less stressed without the audience being present .
    Lasty likes this.

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