Catching the virus

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zed, May 31, 2020.

  1. It sounds like everyone on the shielding list can go out for exercise (but not food shopping) as of tomorrow.
  2. My neighbour across the road from me, an absolutely lovely chap who we’ve known for 11 years passed away last week. The was due to have a triple heart bypass the week the lockdown started. It was obviously cancelled. They started up operations again last week, but unfortunately he didn’t survive the surgery. I can’t help wondering if the ten week delay was more than his heart could take. We will never know.

    the shame of it is that he was an engineer in the RAF, did a stint with the red arrows. I’m sure that in more normal times he’d have had a military send off. But unfortunately none of us can attend. Just a handful of his closest family.

    I shall stand out in the street on Friday to see him off.

    This is the sort of person I’m trying to protect when I’m socially distancing. Does get on my wick a bit when I see absolutely blatant disregard by some idiots.
    Lasty, Davipon, Mellow yellow and 7 others like this.
  3. I wonder how many of the extra deaths the UK government is quoting were completely preventable and were actually due to cancelled hospital and doctors appointments and procedures and nothing to do with covid-19.
  4. DubCat

    DubCat Sponsor

    Jeez. Didn't know you'd been through that Phil. Sounds like hell. Very glad you're OK now. My son and his girlfriend had it but he had bugger all symptoms, she had a cough for a day and lost sense of taste and smell for a week. I hope for anyone that's had it that this means your antibodies will protect you going forward.
    Zedders I do feel your frustration. I know the chances of catching this are low but it boils down to gambling on how badly you might suffer with it. With a scale varying from no symptoms to death, and nobody knowing the relevant criteria that's one hell of a gamble.
    I too live quite a solitary existance - through choice - but my once weekly or fortnightly forays into Bourne for a bit of shopping or coffee at a mate's garage are necessary for my sanity. I'm really missing these now. However I don't want to die even if the risk is minimal.
    Stay safe Zedders. If you want a phone chat for as many hours as you need/want, let me know and we can talk vw ***** as long as we want.
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Quite right, me too. I'm more concerned for others than myself.

    I have become quite friendly with my consultant surgeon despite him once threatening to ban me from the entire hospital (can't think why. :D ).

    He phoned last week and we had a chat. He asks me how I'm doing so after telling him I'm fine, I've started asking him how he's doing. He was stiff at first (surprised) but he's quite matey now.

    He was worried about not being able to treat his cancer patients but what was sad about it all in his view was that they were prepared, they coped, but the majority of people in ICU with covid pnumonia died anyway and meanwhile nobody else was getting proven life saving treatment for other problems. He's praying there won't be a second wave, or at least there will be a pause first so he and others can catch up a bit, or hopefully a lot.
    rustbucket likes this.
  6. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Sorry to hear you've been so Tom Phil and I'm glad you're better:thumbsup:
    philntfc likes this.
  7. I guess one glimmer of hope for us all is that not every country entered into the pandemic at the same time. We have had the luxury of a few weeks warning by looking at its spread in Italy and Spain for example, I might be wrong but I dont think theres been a second wave in any of the countries who where hit with comparable death/infection rates that have come out of lockdown before us.

    One concern I do have is what will happen in winter, just as flu spreads more easily owing to us being inside more, will this happen with covid? Who knows?

    But its interesting to note that the government hasn’t dismantled any of the nightingale hospitals and is still buying ventilator parts. So my guess is they dont know what’s going to happen either.
    Lasty likes this.
  8. We've not been in a shop since the "lockdown" started either. A few people have said that Booths is not very orgaised once inside and that tesco is the best for that. We have managed to get Tesco deliveries recently after trying for weeks - have another booked for June 10th which will be our 3rd in 6 weeks so we are fairly well stocked up again for the next apocalypse ( if you want we can add anything you are short of to our list, Steve)
    Zed likes this.
  9. Steve

    Don't try and catch it!
    Stay safe, but still get out and about a bit to keep you sane.

    Shop as infrequently as you can.

    See some friendly faces for socially distant conversations & interaction.

    Speak to people on the phone or video calls etc.

    Minimise the risk, stay sane, go for a spin in the bus!
    Coda, mgbman, Zed and 1 other person like this.
  10. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Saw you last evening but by the time you looked my way I was past or I'd have waved. :)

    My son has forbidden me to go in Tesco's as the plebs don't behave. Boothes is too dark for my liking, what's that all about? Mood lighting in a supermarket...weird. Better grub though, it makes Waitrose look common. :)
    cunny44 likes this.
  11. Betty the Bay

    Betty the Bay Supporter

    Just because we are now allowed to do something, doesn't mean that we have to.
    Someone on the news was moaning that she had been shielding for whatever reason and was been told she could now go out and she was scared.
    Nobody's forcing anyone outside, if you personally feel it's too early, stay home.
    Lasty, Norris, blueeyes and 4 others like this.
  12. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Just having a wobble after first time in le supermarket and witnessing atmosphere of distrust and downright nasty looks from a couple of mask wearers. Pretty crap out there I thought.
    paulcalf likes this.
  13. I miss booths!
  14. Betty the Bay

    Betty the Bay Supporter

    There's one in Ilkley.... when I went in I couldn't hear myself think for all the locals saying " ow.much !"
  15. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I miss Tesco but only because I know where everything is, particularly the cream cakes. It's a smallish one so in and out in no time...but it is a bit cheap and cruddy.
    Coda likes this.
  16. Weve got Tesco’s but no Booths here.... no Waitrose either for that matter.
    Zed likes this.
  17. Yep it's crap out there, especially shops!

    Ring Tesco and try and get added to their priority delivery list.
  18. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I'm not a priority, I'm a self isolator. :)
    Try getting them to deliver to a boat...tricky.
    We live very well and very cheaply on reduced price stuff, our food bill would more than double, probably more the tripple. Venison stakes for £1 instead of a fiver, pots of cream for 10p, grapes 50p instead of £2, still not ripe! Love it. 2 of us live on substantially less than a one person minimum pension including running and splurging on the bus, mooring fees, everything. Just as well as neither of us have a penny coming in Beats working. :)
    Lasty, cunny44, blueeyes and 3 others like this.
  19. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    We’ve just had a Morrisons delivery. I’ve been quite impressed with them.
    Coda likes this.
  20. I just had a Sainsburys delivery. Most items in stock except flour and they operate a rationing system to one delivery every 7 days or more and they also quite rightly restrict items ordered to a fair number to ensure stocks for everyone and prevent hoarding.

    I know the drivers and they give excellent service in these difficult times and leave the bagged groceries at the door and knock when done. I always open the door and thank them for their work.
    Lasty, philntfc and art b like this.

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