Another Camper restoration injury [UPDATED with new pics]

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kruger, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. wooooooooow, hope you have a speedy recovery..
  2. Kruger that is terrible, I hope it heals well, and it does make me think, As with everyone else i can be a blasé about H&S but - blimey!

    RE site Work - the most dangerous thing about site work these days is the lack of english speaking folk working on them. How the hell are you supposed to communicate or shout a warning when 70% of the people on sites dont speak english.
  3. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Best of luck with the healing process mate. Hope it makes us all take more care ;)
  7. it took me a while before i could bring myself to look at the pictures ive seen a few nasties over the years and yours looks painfull and a hard way to learn ,but even when you are being carefull accidents can still happen. look after your self mate............

    Take care out there
  8. Hell, Angelina Jolie pays fortunes for that look. Rather genius of you, I say.
  9. Heal quickly Kruger :)

    I did read the link from the facial surgeons and you are really lucky. I quote: "In particular perineal or scrotal injuries occur if the operator straddles the object being cut"

  10. I didnt get all the way through the links , i cant look at pictures of that but can deal with it in real life as i have had to at work
  11. our george (5yr old) thought it looked brilliant >:D
    "hows he done that daddy its nearly as bad as the graze on my arm "
  12. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

    I'm stocked up on straws now! and I'm getting by on tea, soup and chocolate fingers.

    A few funny looks in the local Tesco express earlier, I was wanting to tell someone I'd been fighting a tiger at the zoo.
  13. Your taking it remarkably well dude thank god it wasent any worse
  14. omg!!!
    thats a right man scar!
    Your taking it well mate, hope you make a good recovery!
  15. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    Ouch that looks painful. Looking at those links though and they all seemed to heal up well so you'll need a manly story of how you got the scar.

    By the way, when it happened, did you cry?
  16. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

  17. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

  19. That is some Chelsea smile pal. looks like the surg did a neat job though. K coming over your way. Hope it heels quick.

    Take it easy
  20. That is bad mate :( so glad you are still with us :) just shows you how dangerous things can be.

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