No overall winner

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rustbucket, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. She's finished, I wouldn't even vote for her up against that douche.
  2. Intact my sister voted for giant douche instead of turd sandwich !
  3. THe government think their losses are all about Brexit. Rubbish, most people who voted Labour were actually voting to stop her and her cronies from tearing apart our NHS, School and selling off our infrastructure.
    JT1 likes this.
  4. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Mrs May looked very shaky when she just made that speech. I wonder if she is about to go?
  5. Does anyone believe there'll be a Conservative/ DUP government? Seems to be only one article about it so far, god I want that woman gone.
    crossy2112 and Poptop2 like this.
  6. Got to as it's her alone that's lost this, they were miles ahead when the election was called absolutely miles ahead.
    @Technohippy couldn't have screwed that up.
    Technohippy and Poptop2 like this.
  7. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I bet he could!
  8. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    This is for all my labour friends, It's a reminder of when you didn't finish second but actually won elections
  9. if you think that without free tuition and with no maintenance grant their in the hole for £50k plus then you can see why. Team Dicky are £100k down based on that. Puts things in a bit of perspective for those who aren't really arsed.
    Purple, JT1 and PIE like this.
  10. that's an advert for "Tory Light" and old centrist version of the Labour party. I thought they would have been right up your street!
    Barry Haynes likes this.
  11. PIE


    I dont think that Brexit had much to do with it, pi55isg off young and old alike may be her problem, if it were Brexit Nick Clegg wouldnt be looking for another job and the lib dems would be in, I must admit some of the labour manifesto looked good to me, Im afraid Corbyn had too much baggage for me to vote for them
    paradox and Dicky like this.
  12. I've got one son who's just finished a 4 year course and another one part of the way through his.

    The £50k each is a bit misleading, the newspapers have seized on this amount for headline purposes.

    This is from a Finance website:

    "With headlines shouting about £50,000 student debt and that getting bigger as living loans increase in 2017, it's safe to say many students and parents are scared by this huge sum – and worry about how they'll ever repay it.

    But in essence that fear is misplaced. That's because the price tag of university is mostly irrelevant. What matters in practical terms is how much you have to repay – and that's a completely separate number from the total amount of tuition fees, maintenance loan and interest, because it all depends on what you would pay.

    What you repay solely depends on what you earn after university. In effect this is, financially at least, a 'no win, no fee' education. Those who earn a lot after graduating or leaving university will repay a lot. Those who don't gain too much financially from going to university will repay little or nothing."

    There's obviously a lot more but this is the gist of it.
    art b likes this.
  13. Brexit had everything to do with it stop denying it.
    No party has a clear transparent answer to the debate on brexit
    We need Europe and they need use it's that simple.
  14. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    Well I am proper upset my daughter was going to train as a nurse. She has told me no way is she going to be saddled with debt an she can't see why I should pay. She would on completion be earning enough to start repaying it back.
  15. JT1


    Will having a £50k debt not impede other loans such as a mortgage?
  16. No idea if this is true but if a graduate moves abroad for 2 years the debt is whipped clean. Can this be true?
  17. JT1


    Labour lost, Tories won; so why does it feel like a Labour victory?

    I'm loving this election, it just keeps on giving :thumbsup:
  18. JT1


  19. p.tinks

    p.tinks Supporter

    bazza can i be your no 2.
    £70,000 plus a year for sitting on you crack,cheap London Pride in the bar no outside for a fag bring it on.

    just forgot gave fags up three years ago ??.
    Barry Haynes likes this.
  20. I'd just like to point out to a few slightly confused people.

    Mr Corbyn didn't win. In fact he fell woefully short of winning. In fact even with including all of the fringe parties he still couldn't form his much touted progressive coalition.

    This was his best shot to gain power in a generation and by the time the next election comes round if it goes full term he will be consigned to history.

    The real heavy weight labour back benchers will see him off long before the next election as they want the top shadow jobs back.

    May was a terrible candidate. A competent Tory candidate would have taken on corbyn in the debates and destroyed his crack pot ideas. The Labour Party dodged a bullet on this one. No way they will risk putting him up against boris or gove or Davis next time.
    Suss, chad and Barry Haynes like this.

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