No overall winner

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rustbucket, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. And I'd also like to point out that even the unions, labours main backers openly said there was no chance of a corbyn win. He produced a manifesto full of populist pie in the sky ideas in the sure fire knowledge that he was never going to win, never going to have to actually deliver any of it, and never going to actually have to fund it.
    Faust, nicktuft, Pickles and 2 others like this.
  2. Apparently not
  3. PIE


    Of those three who would you put your money on
  4. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I would like to see some younger candidates now. People with get up and go that would perhaps change this old fashioned parliament system a little. Not entirely change it as it is fundamentally right, but just tweek it a bit and make it appeal more to the people that feel they haven't got a voice and their vote doesn't matter.
  5. Is that trio of names supposed to instil confidence into the country as prospective PM's? I'd take my chances with Corbyn thanks.
    Dicky likes this.
  6. I was kind of going along with that (a bit) until you mentioned Boris. Given another election and Boris (and Gove????) at the Tory Helm your be looking at a Labour landslide....Corbyn or not!
  7. I agree, with Boris the torys would be the silly party and labour the slightly silly party.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2017
    fritt likes this.
  8. Did they. My Union didn't? As for main backers. the members of Unions are normal working people, not multi-millionaires or corporations trying to curry favour to win privatised ex public services. As for populist, try "popular".

    Funny that the Tories won and their supporters are still fighting the election. That said we will be here again shortly!
    stewart kombi likes this.
  9. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    So to recap.
    Mrs May went to the country to gain a strong and stable government.
    Now she has to go cap in hand to a party that did and does not want peace in Ireland.
    Please can someone explain why this woman is still as one former member said hanging around like a bad smell
  10. ron


    Because of all the people who believe in red fairies granting them wishes ?
    chad and Pickles like this.
  11. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    its not going to be like after the referendum is it, they didn't get the result they wanted so "can we have another election" no you bloody can't, you lost so get on with it,
    stewart kombi and fritt like this.
  12. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Harsh and totally misguided. The ' red fairy has given us an awful lot of that that we now take for granted and the conservatives would have never given us!
    crossy2112 and Lord Congi like this.
  13. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    The fact is Barry, this country will always have two sides to vote for and a split electorate. Hopefully the uber riche Tories won't grind the opposition party into the ground with their wealth and power over the media. Too many people worked very hard and sacrificed lots to form a working peoples labour party. Sorry if that offends your views, but it's way too easy to support the Tories and think sod the rest. IMO!
    crossy2112 likes this.
  14. I'm not still fighting anything. I don't think you can say anyone won this one.

    Len mcckuskey was the union leader I was referring to. He had to back track after being caught out saying that 200 seats would be a good result for corbyn.

    As for boris. Watch him. Remember he's got form for beating hard line lefties. He beat red ken in the London major election. He's no mug. The whole bumbling idiot thing is an act. He turned on gove after Cameron resigned in a heart beat.

    All these students lining up to vote for jezza on the promise of free money won't be in education in five years if it goes full term. A lot of them will be working and I think the matter of taxation might be a bit higher on their priority list.
    chad and Pickles like this.
  15. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    It hasn't taken long for the blue parties arrogance and detatchment from real world problems to come to the front
  16. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Malc, I'm not a rich Tory toff far from it, I class myself as working class, we all have a voice, some will not agree with what I have to say but I don't agree with a lot of what I read on here, this is not a one sided debate, I'm having the same conversations at home, as you know my wife is a Labour voter
    chad, Poptop2 and Pickles like this.
  17. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    Bazza I dont think anybody wants another election but your pin up girl cant go it alone and is talking coalition and dodgy back door deals to stay in power
  18. ron


    2 things decided my mind - first they had a give away manifesto no problem- but "to buy votes" they kept adding to the list what was the last 2 - rail season ticket holders and footballer supporters , the list was endless

    the 2nd was the real nasty posts from left wing (call them) cyberthugs which ( roughly) said

    "use your vote wisely because a if you don,t vote labour you are a f**cking thick cretin " or similar wording
    now if thats the type of grass roots support saint jeremy has --well?
    chad likes this.
  19. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    You going out fishing then Baz :D
    Barry Haynes likes this.
  20. ron


    totally with you barry i started work in 1966 and worked continually on the shop floor for 46 years , i earned my extra pension I got and wouldn,t vote for a hard left labour party like this one
    Pickles, Barry Haynes and chad like this.

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