Wilby's long term resto.....8 years counting!

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by vwbusman, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. amazing! i'm gonna invite myself round to see it when you finish! :)
  2. Brillaint its always a nice feeling when the primer goes on
  3. some awesome work gone on there! i cant wait to get mine to this stage
  5. Used up the rest of my Custom epoxy 421 primer today on the engine bay.

    Tried my new gravity fed 1.4mm nozzle spray gun and got a much better finish on the paint. Pity I ran out of paint, i didn't have quite enough to cover the top section of the engine bay and top of the LH wheel tub. Going to order 5 more litres of it so that should be enough to do the remaining panels(all doors,tailgate,engine lid,front and nearside).




    You can see the pink showing through where I ran out of paint!


    The doors,sliding door,engine lid and tailgate have been bare metalled at the media blasters this week. Due to pick them up next weekend. So next on the agenda is to repair the window appature on the sliding door and shoot some more primer (well, if the temperature holds up!)
  6. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    thats looking super so far...well done mate!
  7. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    I've just read from the beginning. An almost complete resto in 20 minutes...I'm knackered!
    I enjoyed reading about your bus on TLB v2 and I've enjoyed reading it again here. As I said last time. Outstanding work, very impressive. I'm looking forward to seeing it at a camp soon.
  8. Cheers mate, I can't wait to get behind the wheel & go camping!
  9. That engine bay is looking spot on mate 8)

    I've been using the custom epoxy primer too, its good stuff :thumbsup:
  10. Looking awesome dude

    Whats special about this custom epoxy primer then?
  13. Cheers diddy looks interesting is it self etching?
  14. ye don t be long going through the stuff and expesive too owen nw :thinking:
  16. Cheers dude it might just be the thing i need if im prepping the bus outdoors its not cheap though is it
  17. Your right there, but I think it will be worth it in the long run. My bus will be staying in primer over the winter. With the fluctuations in temperature last winter, there were occasions when the lower 6" of the bus were soaking wet due to condensation. I hope that this paint will prevent moisture penetrating the metal & filler underneath.
  18. Have you tried the scratch test with a bit painted on bare steel dude?

    My bus may be going on a very long journey to get painted by zed but i need to do all the prep at home before i drive it down
    and as you know i grab 10-15 mins on my bus as and when i can so normal 2k primer aint a good option

    If that epoxy primer is etching and non porus then it may be just the ticket to let me drive round in primer for a year whilst i make my mind up about the style and colour i want
  19. When I next shoot some primer I will do a random piece of steel and do the scratch test about a week after and compare it to etch primer.

    As I said the adhesion seems really good, damn difficult to remove/scratch overspray. I'll let you know the results.
  20. Cheers dude

    Im glad you undestand my fussyness

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