Post a lie about the poster before you

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bootsam, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Jivedubbin's name translates into Cantonese as "Psycho legs wobble bottom monkey boy"
    Pony and snotty like this.
  2. Jack Tatty reads each new post on TLB in the hope of shocking himself out of a hiccuping fit that started in 1964
    Jack Tatty likes this.
  3. Colin used to be Isambard Kingdom Brunel's hat.
    SweeneyTodd and Poptop2 like this.
  4. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    chrisgooner likes this.
  5. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    @rickyrooo1 is part whale which explains why his only eats plankton and krill
  6. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    @Jack Tatty still works in Woolworths as a checkout girl. No one else does as it's been closed for 15 years, but he can't bring himself to tell his mum.
  7. @poptop2 has appeared several times on page 3 of the Sun, under the name "Melissa".
    SweeneyTodd and Poptop2 like this.
  8. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    @snotty is really a B n Q bath plug.
    Majorhangover and snotty like this.
  9. @ poptop was the first person to own a pair of klackers and would happily sit on the church steps of a Sunday playing with his new toy. They are slightly dull now from over use.
    Pony and Poptop2 like this.
  10. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    SweeneyTodd likes this.
  11. @poptop2 was once trapped for several hours between Ulrika Jonsson's thighs, before being freed by the emergency services.
  12. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I wouldn't have called for help!

    @snotty once called the emergency services despite his friends protestations.
    snotty likes this.
  13. poptop2 is Skippy the bush kangaroo's farther
    Poptop2 likes this.
  14. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    @Colin once put a Subaru engine in his dog and had trouble keeping up on walkies.
  15. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    @rickyrooo1 was born in a jam tart. His real username is stickyrooo1, but changed it to avoid the stigma.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2015
  16. Poptop queued for 2 days to be the 1st to get and iPhone 3, unfortunately it was a week ago and it took 2 days for him to realise he was queuing outside a closed down Indian takeaway.
    Poptop2 likes this.
  17. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    @Majorhangover is the voiceover man from come dine with me and Liz has a running voiceover about all the tlb posts daily.
  18. Poptop had a go in a biplane, and now swings both ways.
    Poptop2 likes this.
  19. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    @Majorhangover once built an ice sculpture bonfire and spent 3 Months trying to light it.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2015

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