My poorly 1979 bay

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by physiopro, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. Thanks zed I will bear that in mind;). I am hoping it won't be to loud on a long run but nice and throaty around town;). I am also hoping it will give me just a little bit more oooomph:)
  2. OMG the dream is starting to become a reality :)
    Luv n it;)
    art b and paradox like this.
  3. Yay primers on:D
    physiopro likes this.
  4. nice one andy i bet your well chuffed ....:)
    physiopro likes this.
  5. Almost, he has primered all but the two front doors and the near side, oh yeah and the tailgate:) however, tailgate ready for primer and near side not far away. Should all be in primer by the end of the week! :)
  6. Thanks Art, I cannot tell you what it feels like! :)
  7. Managed to get the rest of the tinware on today and carbs! Thermostat all linked up! What a pig of a job that was!!
  8. Hello mate that seal on your oil cooler tin (the browny coloured one) did you make that or buy it?
  9. Hi chris
    Door sealing foam that is sticky back! :)
    chrisgooner likes this.
  10. Engine fully rebuilt with all tinware, I presume I take the front tinware off before I fit backinto the van? Anybody know what this other hole a for??
  11. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    the other hole is for a preheat pipe off the exhaust to your carb I "think" not a type 1 man but i'm sure it's filtered into my brain from somewhere.
    physiopro likes this.
  12. Van is hopefully two weeks away from finishing respray!!
  13. Thanks Ricky having twin carbs I wonder if I have to make up some pipe work sort it?
  14. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    Paul Weeding or zed will confirm i'm either dumb or have paid a small bit of attention.
  15. I suspect you are not either and thanks for your help so far :)
  16. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    The manifold pre-heat pipes come through the other 2 holes that are almost hidden in the photo under the silver concertina pipes. These are used for single carb set-ups. If youve still got connections to your exhaust under these they need capping. i doubt you have though having seen your exhaust. all the usual suspects sell the blanking caps if you do need them.
    I've never been sure what the other hole is for! Block it off somehow. I've seen this done a few times with 2 metal jam jar lids bolted together. You can weld it but it'll ruin your paint / powder coat.
    Yep, take the big rear tin off before fitting.
    physiopro likes this.
  17. That extra hole is kinda what ricky said it was... it is the hot air pick-up for the std air filter!! :thumbsup:

    Looking at your pic, it looks like the over-gearbox tin isn't complete on the RH side?
    physiopro likes this.
  18. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Block up the extra hole in the rear tin - you don't need it.
    physiopro likes this.
  19. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    blimey i remembered summat else - that's 2 things this week! i'm on a roll.
    Paul Weeding and physiopro like this.
  20. Thanks for the info, yeah you are right I don't have connections on the exhausts. Wish I had asked this question before I got the tinware powder coated then I could have plated the hole! Oh well two jam jars by the looks of it:)

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