Do you think we're actually ever going to leave?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Flakey, Jun 25, 2016.

  1. I like the cut of your jib young sir! In total agreement! I saw a dog catch up with a car and get run over by the rear wheels amazingly it limped away.moissibly to a quiet place to breath its last. Who can say. Where was boris today btw?
    Bertiebot likes this.
  2. Ive gone from despair to peeing my sides about this. What a complete and utter farce. The sun still came up and went down today and ive had a good day although the pongos on the park wouldnt let me drive a tank. Miserable sods, i paid for it lol!
  3. According to the BBC the cracks are beginning to show, by the end of the weekend all that will be left will be Corbyn and his old squeeze Abbott ... Abbott says he has a huge

    Mandate ... code for something else :eek:
  4. You said it Barney! :thumbsup:
  5. Haha - that's brilliant!
  6. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    The referendum was in/out, not about how to fund the NHS.
    Demanding an answer from Nigel, who at no point promised anything to the NHS looks like Nigel bashing for it's own sake.

    One thing that is surprising me is the number of people who have confused this with either a Tory party inner war or frankly with any of the promised made apart from the only certainty among it which is sovereignty for the UK.

    I agree entirely that the goverment should now knuckle down and earn their crusts. Resigning is such a cop out. Calling an election would also be a cop out. They were elected to have this referendum and deal with it. Or were they? I don't remember if they made any electoral pledged about dealing with the aftermath so perhaps they are entitled to make a run for it?
  7. I agree with you on Nigel, my point is that lost of people voted on the basis of a nirvana of less immigration, more money for the NHS and a bright economic future, The fact that there is no settled "what we are going to do now" set of policies in the leave camp is just a simple fact. UKIP are not the tories and I am not even sure that Nigel speaks for UKIP anymore if you listen to Cardwell their only MP.

    I think Cameron did the only thing open to him by resigning as practical issues limiting progress would be "his fault" and he was clear oh his support for remain. I think Nigel is right in his statement that we need a Brexit government to negotiate exit. How can a Government that didn't want this outcome and that is in disarray do that?

    Boris is the dog that caught the car so lets hope he can drive
  8. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    I don't agree, We do need a general Election, around 75% of all MP's are now on the wrong side of public opinion, they were elected on a referendum promise but no one knew they would all go for in. People are angry,we need primaries in each constituency so the local electorate get the candidates they want not party people parachuted in just to win the easy seats who don't really represent the local area, We also need a fairer system so everybody's vote counts. The Labour party is finished unless it gets with it's heartland public opinion and the Tory party is also ripping it's self apart. both need to start listening to people and not looking after themselves, I live in Huntingdonshire a posh Tory area, the local MP is an inner, Huntingdonshire voted out, Doncaster where i'm from voted out 70/30, all three labour MP's including Ed Milliband wanted in, they all have no authority anymore
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  9. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    This is a strange little thread, lots of bravado and 'you' quotes...seems there's five or six of you just dying for a fight, and 'the other side' haven't turned up. Must be annoying punching at fog.

    Over here in 'don't believe in democracy, won't be swayed either way' land, I have some observations.

    First, just to get this straight...the 'youngsters' are somehow culpable for generations of governments that they DIDN'T elect....primarily as they weren't born?

    That's a strange viewpoint.

    Has it occurred to anyone that that generation sees no 'nationalism' other than in sport, they don't see themselves day to day as anything that they'd massively think relevant, British or European? They don't map to patriotism because their reach is one to one worldwide, human being to human being, unfettered interaction free of press and mass 'opinion'....they didn't grow up in 'communities' and find the notion of class the embarrassment that it actually is.

    I'd imagine that they are guided by grow up and could potentially work anywhere with anyone you want (I can hear a dozen woodbines being crumpled in disgust, a dozen ales bashed on the desk in anger (or whatever 'worthy' hand wringing excercises equip one to be 'the unheard mass') as those b&stards should know their place because the 'owe' you a comfortable old age...

    But they don't. And just because you were taught to know your place, not be a tall poppy, and are bitter because you were conned, why take it out on a generation who 'we' told to fly, to learn, to grow, to break free.

    So yes, they should be angry.

    As everyone stands on the brink of the Unknown, chest beating won't 'make it all better'. The markets have had one trading day.

    Give it a week, a month, a year.

    Britain was seen as a gateway to Europe, if it can't do that then the harsh lesson of business (that the three day a week generation must surely understand) is that it has no heart, it will simply move.

    Our 'wealth' is underpined by industries that have no geographic aren't digging coal or drilling oil, all of it can be moved. If those industries do move, if the markets dictate that we are not a good investment, then good luck with 'all the money we pour in to Europe will be ours' as it won't happen.

    You can get angry at this all you want. The really small minded amongst you can sit there triumphantly back slapping as finally 'they' get put out of work for a change. But they won't will they, they'll simply move, and your pension fund will shrink, our property values will collapse, the 'pot' will get a lot smaller.

    Farage is and always was a bloody liar. Johnson is crapping himself as as predicted, none of them thought this would happen, and thus have ZERO plans as to what happens next.

    Uncertainty means market collapse and delay means a sitting target. We need to engineer clear trading routes now, and they will be bought with immigration, like it or not.

    For me, as stated elsewhere, we are where we are though I suspect very few of the big bolloxes on here are actually in a position to do anything as most are retired.

    Those that aren't, saddle up as its time to get moving as 'democracy' had landed us knee deep in the sh1t for generations if we can't engineer trade routes now. looking forward to the bile, anger, quoting out of context and picking apart of the above so we can make it personal when I've yet again talked generally.

    When all the rhetoric is done, this one feels like some bloke who got absolutely paralytic last night and got into a fight with his best mate.

    This morning you're looking for someone to blame.

    Tomorrow morning, when the police come round you'll realise that all of this is real, and despite my, and others, attempts to reason with you, you went ahead anyway.

    Then you'll get it.

    This whole arguement should have always been about why, when 3% of UK landmass is built on, are we not doing that.

    Why are our tax laws not capable of taxing everyone, so a bigger population causes investment and building jobs, service jobs.?
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  10. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    If judged against the doom the in camp were portrying, I don't see how anyone can fail!
    Most aspects of life will be completely unaffected anyway.
    It's often said that we'll struggle with trade deals as "even the mighty EU take years". Well I've also often heard it said that it takes the massive comitee of the EU so long to come to any agreements between themselves that we are forced to be years behind and often miss the boat. Let's hope the simplicity of dealing with the single UK speeds things up when negotiating and we can truly enter the "now" world and not be shackled by trade agreements that are designed to level the playing field between us and our competitors in Europe.
    chrisniclia1 and chad like this.
  11. 100% right, Cameron got in on promising a referendum, he should now act on the results, what a pathetic little man he truly is resigning :thumbsup:
    Jono1249, Moons and paneuropaul like this.
  12. PIE


    I can see why people who voted remain are bitter, it would be just the same had the vote gone the other way, and it was a close vote. Whats happerned has happened and all the coal raking thats going on won't change a thing. We can find all sorts of devisions in the results, you have picked up on the age issue but there are Urban Rural, North South, Social Scotland NI -England Wales the list goes on and on, none of this makes any difference we need to take a breath and move foerward with the hand we have all been dealt.
    fritt and 3901mick like this.
  13. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Yes...kind of.

    I didn't me we should have been allowed a none of the above in any form of voting.

    I'm not bitter, I'm angry that now we need leadership and decisions it's a house of cards. I wanted major EU revision too, and accept that that was unlikely.

    Does it not alarm anyone that were you to have an extension built and had two quotes, you at least as the builder what the plans are, how they might go about it, what you get at the end.

    If they don't deliver, you have various form of recourse.

    But our form of democracy doesn't require any of this, no repercussions.

    £5 say that none of the Out people put themselves on the line as they KNOW that their bargaining power is limited at best, so any hope of delivery of the promised Utopia is limited at best.

    I can see major civil unrest.
  14. I'm not sure that it would have been quite to the same extent. On here the comments from the remainers are pretty much restrained.
  15. It seems the out never thought they would win and so had no real plans at all so that's why weve heard nothing from them, making them up now no doubt :thumbsup:
  16. PIE


    Bitterness, anger,concern, civil unrest, none of this changes anything we will still move foreward, one way or another, if we come together we may get a more desirable result
    Can you see the inteligent well educated, foreword looking tolerant young people who voted remain taking to the streets to get a criminal record and achieve nothing, I can't.
  17. PIE


    They have been flat out compaigning for months, its only a couple of days after the result the negotions are goint to take at least two years, what exactly are you expecting, I have heard enough in the last few months to keep me going for a while!
  18. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Does this mean that now we are out of the EU we can play conkers again, and how about those witches hat rides we used to have in playgrounds will they be coming back?
  19. No :thumbsup:
    There will be no money to build them.
    Barry Haynes likes this.
  20. Dear Out
    What's The plan? Us innies said there wasnt a plan. many of us who were in were in because it was the better of two evils as it didn't seem there was a plan. there isnt a plan. Why did you vote out, there wasnt a plan. Is it a secret (plan that is).
    Plan please!

    Incidentally stop blaming us cos there isnt a plan.
    Your faithfully
    Those who had a plan.

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