Woolwich killing

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bumpnudger7, May 22, 2013.

  1. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    No raghead is derogatory and initially used as a offence by soldiers .

    Any who challenges racism is well within their rights to ask someone to explain themselves , however you have to be prepared to get answers you might not agree with Pete , they may be wrong in our minds but it is how they feel and they are being honest , maybe ill educated and unworldly but honest and you have to respect that if nothing else !
    dog, Moons and hailfrank like this.
  2. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    I agree malc but a lot of posts sound like a YouTube search return for edl.
    carlot25, Ermintrude and Poptop2 like this.
  3. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Somewhere in there Rick, there's a compliment....you need to squint your eyes a little.....no! not squint like that you idiot!
  4. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    Not dismissing what your writing but it didn't directly answer either of my questions.
    1 is raghead acceptable
    2 do you class me as a do gooder for challenging racist or offensive words

    Don't need an explanation a simple yes or no is ok
  5. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    D'OHH , it wasn't aimed at Rick soz just outspoken bigots in general , D'ohh , you know what i mean :( -- sesr ------------------>>>
  6. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Being serious now - the language is analogue not digital.

    If it offends you, then its not acceptable you - surely that's all the answer you need.
  7. The unseen enemy is the hardest to defeat, You can't see them know there moves or know when there going to strike. Terrorists don't come marching down the streets with a uniform on so you can't predict anything.
    To say the country has gone soft is right but not in relation to terrorism. Yes letting more people live here has made it easier for them, but if we did't let them live here they could as easily fly here to do the same goal. And one of them from yesterday was English born.
    I don't even think pulling out of Afghan will even do anything, If anything make it easier to plot attacks. F**k knows what there real goal is..
    Moons likes this.
  8. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    I think their end goal is power, how that manifests itself now and in the future is debatable - they will rape their own religion to get it it would seem.
    lowie, Silver and sjhjoinery like this.
  9. 1 yes
    2 maybe
    3 i think your spoiling for fight for some reason !!
  10. Unfortunately many from Cameron down (or up depending on your point of view) have been queuing up today to tell us islam is a religion peace and this attack has no basis in islam. That serves nobody - the murderer who spoke to the camera knew his stuff - he said "
    we are forced by the Qur'an, in Sura At-Tawba, through many ayah in the Qu'ran, we must fight them as they fight us" - Sura At Tawba is one of the later suras from the Medina period - much of it is a war manual. The fluffier suras tend to be from the Mecca period but are mostly abrogated by the medina period - so when you get a fluffy Koran passage quoted at you look at the chronology and which period it came from - another one some seem keen on quoting in mitigation is verse 5:32 although it if often quoted selectively as

    Very nice you might say and it is used a lot - although the verse doesn't apply to muslims, only jews, the full verse is

    There is plenty of justification for murderous acts in the Koran - of course most muslims don't go around murdering people and everything is open to interpretation but fundamentalists take the Koran at its word - there's no allegory and metaphor, it's all literal.

    So for people to be saying there is no justification in islam for these acts are lying.

    There is a very good post today on the Harry's Place blog:

    sjhjoinery likes this.
  11. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    A pic of the poor soldier killed has been shared on facebook - here he is

    He looks proud to have served for us folk :thumbsup:
    bumpnudger7, sjhjoinery and paradox like this.
  12. Below is a very true statement taken of the link below. A worth while read!!


    The time has come for Muslim organisations, scholars, imams and lay people to stand up and state unequivocally that interpretations such as those outlined above are unacceptable and should never be promoted, here or abroad. They should go further and distance themselves from anyone who promotes those views. What’s more, politicians, the media and all of us should ask questions of any person who refuses to condemn such bigotry, and to ostracise them just as we do with someone who refuses to condemn racism. Universities must ban Islamic societies that promote hateful views, and any mosque, madrassa or Islamic faith school that promotes extreme, illiberal interpretations of Islam should be closed down and the management prosecuted.
    MorkC68 likes this.
  13. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    thank you apart from 3.
    lowie likes this.
  14. Unfortunately there is absolutely no chance of that happening any time soon. Fundamentalist islam is the one on the rise - the gulf states aren't funding islam all over the world for it to be reinterpreted - they want it taught as literal. The same can also be said for other religions -American christian evangelists are wreaking enormous damage right now in some African states and Buddhists in Sri Lanka and Myanmar are hardly covering themselves in glory.
  15. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    This is an extract from Paley's excellent link.

    It has been written by Mehrdad Amanpour who is a Muslim living in Greenwich.

    As we have seen in the various media exposés, extreme views such as those outlined above are being promoted, often with impunity, in mosques, madrassas, faith schools and Islamic student societies throughout Britain. The result of this, as numerous polls have demonstrated, is that an unacceptably high minority of British Muslims support extreme and illiberal interpretations of Islam; for example, a poll carried out by Policy Exchange suggested that over a third of young British Muslims believe that the death penalty should apply for apostasy.

    Most important, the time has come for our media, politicians and anti-fascist organisations to expose, name and shame any Muslim organisation, mosque, imam, scholar or spokesperson who refuses to condemn and distance themselves from the unacceptable interpretations of Islam that are far-too-often promoted without challenge in Britain today.

    I agree completely with what he says. I believe most people agree with what he says. The trouble is unless you are a Muslim it is very difficult to speak out without the race card being played. This is not about race or religion it is about common human decency, or the lack of.
    snotty, sjhjoinery and matt like this.
  16. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    Simultaneous posts
  17. all these folk with imaginary voices telling them to kill!! and we try to rationalise this?
  18. To be fair, it's pretty difficult to speak out if you are a muslim too. Those who do speak out are hardly welcomed into the bosom of the Ummah. The Council of Ex Muslims is a very good source for finding out about what islam actually teaches - they are ex muslims for a reason - and being an ex muslim can be very dangerous - they are occasionally asked to appear in TV on programmes such as the Big Debate etc. A few of them do appear but most are too scared. In many muslim majority countries challenging the literal teachings of islam can be a quick way to get killed.

    However, hopefully, there will be more voices for reason and moderation and they will be given that voice in the west. For the foreseeable future the muslim majority countries will continue down their path of fundamentalism. It's regrettable but there is nothing we can do about it. We just have to be honest in our own country and promote the voices of reason and marginalise those opposed to them.
    steveagain likes this.
  19. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Some of the attitudes on here are almost as disturbing as what happened yesterday.
    moosey and steveagain like this.
  20. People having a discussion is almost as disturbing as murdering a man by crashing a car into him then trying to cut his head off?

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