wear a mask .

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jivedubbin, Jul 15, 2020.

  1. You are such a wealth of knowledge :rolleyes:
  2. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Fart molecules are small, virus wotsits are massive by comparison and sticky, so more likely to be constrained by your underpants.
    Purple likes this.
  3. Ozziedog

    Ozziedog Supporter

    Smaller than a T1 engine even?

    Ozziedog,,,,,,,cos that’s small:)
  4. So if a wear a mask over my arris, I won't let out stinckers?

    Have I got that right?
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Almost. Your underpants would do a better job as a coronavirus face mask than as fart retainers.
    Purple likes this.
  6. Thanks, I'll give it a go.
  7. Jack Tatty likes this.
  8. If masks, gloves and sanitising did nothing then there would be no doctors, nurses, porters, paramedics or anyone else left alive in the NHS.

    My brother has been carrying out Covid testing in the slums of Singapore. Overcrowded migrant workers. He is well protected with top-notch PPE - still scary stuff if you ask me.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Jack Tatty likes this.
  9. So why have a good measure of our nursing/doctor staff died of it after contracting it from patients they are treating?
  10. Percentage wise it’s a tiny amount who have died. More so towards the beginning, when stocks of PPE were in short supply (and being cried out for) and correct protocols not fully established and/or adhered to - it was chaos.

    They are hyper-exposed to the virus compared to the rest of us. Confined space. Close proximity. Hands on with people who are definitely infected. Day in...day out. They aren’t all ‘immune’, so protection is playing it’s part. They wouldn’t ask for it and wear it if it wasn’t, especially in countries with 30• heat and 90% humidity.

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    Davipon and Dubs like this.
  11. I'm still not convinced that there's much protection from a mask. I'm also not convinced about the figures and the way it's been reported in the media.
    I'm 63 years old and every so often (approx every 20 years) there's something new to be scared of. Probably worse these days because of the hype that surrounds everything in the world that happens.
  12. I completely agree about the statistics involved and the media coverage. It doesn’t all add up! I’m no expert or maths boffin, but i’m logical.
    Hong Kong, population of >7million, mostly living in a metropolis and only 2000 confirmed cases of infection with only 14 deaths! Compare that to the Western stats.
    Yes, they locked down reasonably early, have a history of wearing masks etc because of SARS, and there is talk of various strains of the virus...but still

    Wear a mask buddy. It is a barrier and a barrier will help.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Davipon and Low n slow like this.
  13. I'll try and see if the spongebob squarepants underpants fit, that'll make the supermarket checkout folk chuckle at least.
  14. [​IMG]
    This guy gets it!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Today been to the local builders merchants, Screwfix and the village Indian restaurant for a takeaway everyone including me was wearing a mask. The papers are saying the second wave is starting in Spain.
    Davipon likes this.
  16. Well I went to Aldi and wore a Boris mask. It was better this time because the store was cooler and I didn't freak out either (claustraphobia) suffice to say not many people in the store but they were all wearing face coverings. The staff however seem to think it's okay to wear or half wear a mask just looped over one ear.
  17. Pudelwagen

    Pudelwagen Supporter

    I feel sorry for them. It's fine to wear a mask to do a bit of shopping but to wear one all day as a shop worker must be getting rather uncomfortable.
  18. There's either one rule for all or no rule. My Mrs has to wear a faceshield all day chefing.
    PanZer likes this.
  19. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    There is one rule. It’s that shoppers need to wear a mask and those working there don’t.
    I don’t understand the confusion.
  20. Ozziedog

    Ozziedog Supporter

    I’m a delivery driver for Mr Asda and the ‘’’ rules’’’ seem to be changing on an almost daily basis. I don’t have to wear a mask at the moment but I have tried at least five different types and they all were a hindrance to breathing once you started getting physical with loading and unloading large quantities of shopping, and my load is usually five hundred plus kilos and up to eight hundred and fifty kilos to load and unload two or three times a day just on and off the van and that’s not just moving it but sometimes carrying it and sometimes trolleying it all sorts of distances and up and down steps and slopes etc etc to the customers door, so it all gets loaded and shifted and unloaded again,I have a mask kept in my work bag just in case I have a customer that insists and the odd one every so often isn’t that much of an issue but all day long drains me excessively. The rest of the time now, I wear a visor when out of the van and customer facing and that has its own issues but is nowhere near as draining/tiring as the masks were. Just jump back in and hang the visor over the screens / mirror in the middle of the van, strip the gloves and crack on.

    Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, I don’t care about me, but I won’t give it to anyone else if at all possible :)

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