The Hippy Sharing, Tribal Living, New Age Traveller Thread.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dean_butler, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. dean_butler

    dean_butler TLB Design Guru

    Wow @paradox thank you for all these contributions buddy. I will check these out today man :)
  2. It's the bees innit ? Im vege and don't eat soap but do eat honey. vegans don't use honey or beeswax.
  3. You may wish to Google The battle Of Beanfield, Dean, but then again ,perhaps not. its lots of "things " none pleasant .
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2013
    MrGrey likes this.
  4. Very true. At one point, a man is made to watch as his home is burnt to a tangled wreck of metal. Others are beaten. Makes you really think.
  5. Yeah , made me ill, honestly ,there was a fella ,not young, directly appealing to any viewers for help against the legalised brutality /trashing off their homes all of which which happened to be in a farmers field,, as I understand it ,after many years of court cases some were given some compensation ,hope it helped them ,certainly, that day changed entirely my own somewhat "ross tinted" view of the police/govt.

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