The All New, New "What have you done to your Bay today" thread.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by top banana racing, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. Cleaned drivers door winow regulator, rust treatent used the sprayed it with black smooth Hamerite, removed
    damagd/rusty window lifter chanel with Dremel. Now where did I put the new bits ?.
  2. Started the installation of fuel system with cutoff solenoid

    Got a face ful of petrol despite my best efforts
  3. Fitted my overiders

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    MorkC68 likes this.
  4. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    Discover ed the exit barrier at the free car park at Ross on Wye is about 5mm lower than the entrance or 2.045 metres.

    It is painted yellow and so is the top of my roofrack. I also had to push the roofrack forwards again ...:-(

    And melted the whistle off the kettle when I changed the gas this morning. And the little Camping Gaz bottles cost a lot less at the Camping and Caravanning Club Hereford site. I bought gas and a fivers worth of stuff and it still came to less than my local garden centre charges for the gas alone.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2015
  5. put another 80 miles on the recon engine.
    MrsVolkswombat and volkswombat like this.
  6. Finished the fuel solenoid/pipe install. (Forgot to put an inline fuse in though :rolleyes:)

    All works cock on.
    Went to fill up with petrol, then went for a quick test drive. Two things became apparent.
    The new fuel system has made my van faster.
    And the new fuel system has made my dash /speedo pod look cleaner.
    These are unexpected advantages.

    Anyway, was a warm day so I closed the windows, put the fire on in the new updated on board heating system, and cruised. Lost a bit of weight due to sweating. Just like the sauna really.
  7. Finally got round to replacing the faulty submersible water pump (ie the one which supplies water to the tap)... which turned out to be a right pain in the ares as I'd very considerately hidden all the wiring behind the kitchen unit, which practically meant taking the whole kitchen unit out to get to it! Still... at least I can have a brew again without having to lug a 10 litre container around!
    Razzyh likes this.
  8. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    Took it to the dump with garden waste and then discovered a Waitrose hiding only two miles as the crow flies from my house but about ten round the River Hamble..

    Got back and started measuring for FI. Realised the air plenum gets in the way of the standard bus throttle cable. So thats why the fanshroud that came with the FI came with a set of holes drilled about 5cm to the left of the stock housing, and then the welded up bodge bell crank mechanism and heim joints all makes sense.
  9. Yesterday I had an issue with intermittent misfiring causing the van to lurch and on one occasion cut out. It was odd but was running nicely except for these misfires. Researched through TLB and came to the conclusion it was either electronic ignition module or coil (causing EI to act faulty). So as I had a spare coil I replaced that and took it for a run. So far no issues having done around 80 miles. :)
  10. Adjusted tappets, change a fuse in the power unit and make a lovely cuppa tea.!
  11. cut spare wheel well out, fitted eberspacher and custom ducting
    need to weld in panel where spare wheel well was
    zed likes this.
  12. Opened the cab doors to let ten gallons of rainwater out.
  13. Ooohh... got any photos? This is next on my things to do list!
  14. of the eber of of the spare well being cut out?
  15. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    This is mine

  16. not the best pic as it's being removed for painting

  17. Snap!
    Here's one I snapped a fortnight ago (but you don't have an ebber and ducting in there!) ;-)
    Thanks for your prompt reply though, Ray :thumbsup:
  18. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Drove our back from that Yorkshire at a very leisurely pace in the sunshine.

    Tomorrow we have some paintwork to touch up in various places followed by the T1 to T4 swap over. Im assured my gearbox will be ready to ship tomorrow, Bears are going to call & confirm the rebuild is done :D
  19. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    Got propex inside
    MK-Bay likes this.
  20. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    I can't see what you've gained by cutting the wheel well out and then fail to make the most of the space you've created.
    Deefer66 likes this.

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