Thatcher was a demented arse

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zed, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. no way! milliband has had many opportunities to oppose but he tends to wait for public opinion before he decides his move. that's the problem, careerist politicians. we need tony benn back.
  2. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Nighty night. :)
  3. night, hope your bus starts in the morning after the roasting you've given the 'tinkerers' today :D
  4. Still. He had a sustained pop at Murdoch and that took guts*trying to think of a word which means the same but is less *you get my drift*
  5. Night Zed catch some zzzzzzzz's for me
  6. hmm, but murdochs loyalties have always been obvious and yes, i guess blair and presser didn't at the time but that's because they were in powers and needed the favourable press. i just don't like or trust milliband but then there are very few members of new labour i do. i like the old boys like denis skinner. grass roots.
  7. Beast of Bolsover, Tam Dalyell, good old days of ......opposition. Need to be in power to make policy stick. Damn Thatcher's legacy of bringing politics to the centre ground. Still a case for socialism a la scandinavia.
  8. i'm after politics/ revolution a la Iceland :)

    i see the invitations have gone out for the funeral. wonder if we'll be invited? i'll check the post tomorrow.
    must sleep now. :)
  9. A red in the Chipping Norton set and not Rebecca Woods. Cool. Night. Been a pleasure. Hope your van brings you to a camp soon
  10. im working class suz is middle class. Hold on a minute, my firm is owned by the Dubai Bank so i work for a bank so im middle class...:)
  11. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    Well, its been a while since I found myself shouting and swearing at the tv and radio but listening to some of the pro-Thatcher comments have made me some how be transported back in time and finding myself as angry now as in yesteryear!
    Ermintrude and carlot25 like this.
  12. It's certainlty stirred up a hornets nest and quite rightly so with all the incorrect information and historical ommissions from the media.
    Hey Merlin babe, get yerself a decent avatar. ;)
    Ermintrude likes this.

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