Subaru conversion - getting air into engine bay

Discussion in 'Alternative engine in bus' started by alexbloorino, Feb 6, 2019.

  1. I too have a good chat. :beer:
    tell you guys in France all is forbidden.
    since this year to transform his bay into camping too.
    we break the nuts with new bans every month. understand that the registration questionnaire is irritating ...
    I will not tell you about yellow vests or we create another subject if you want ...

    theBusmonkey likes this.
  2. theBusmonkey

    theBusmonkey Sponsor

    We also have friends in Spain who cannot make modifications to original classic cars. Regulation in the UK is less but still exists but I guess we are relatively lucky.
    Your regulation problems should be considered part of building you van!
    This is why it is interesting.
    One guy who asked you regarding CT is a French guy living in UK.
    The other guy who asked you is living with his modified bus in France.
    Sometimes what is frustration for you is interesting to others for different reasons:thumbsup:
    As I said, good skills on your van and although I have standard bus I love to see quality engineering solutions:D
    agaric likes this.
  3. So "poptopkitchen" and "popbottomengines"?
  4. Hey I'm the french guy living in the uk mentioned by @theBusmonkey .
    I was interested in your bus because I always thought I would have to leave my bus in the UK if one day I wanted to go back to France (I've a Subaru engine too). So I wanted to know how you got yours on the road.
  5. Hi:lurk:

    in France for the ct. it would be necessary to remain in the text.
    for obligatory cooking to remove it, the gas requires a certificate.
    for the mechanics a clean assembly, stay in the norms: fuel type, pollution, noise, ...

    tomorrow is the biggest stock market in the south of France in Valence.
    I look forward...

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