sober for october? anyone?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rickyrooo1, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. nope, my bowels expect a Sunday morning Beeriod, it wouldn't be far on them.:burp:
    Pony and zed like this.
  2. Yea go on then I won't drink in October.
  3. Oh I forgot I don't drink.
  4. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    I'll give it ago. Admittedly I have the will power of a wasp around strawberries but who knows. I may go at least one day without :lol:
  5. You'll be OK then. Strawberries aren't alcoholic. ;)
  6. I did September to December on the wagon a while back, the only difference I noticed was I had a bit more money but was as miserable as sin.
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    That's what I meant. :thumbsup:
    Moons likes this.
  8. Or , if you can/wish , after a night on the lash ,P into a clear glass bottle and check the colour of fluid (and do not smell it) , yuk ! <no way can I ever eat liver.
  9. What is it with october

    Theres stoptober for no smoking
    Sober for october aswell now

    Did someone move lent and not tell me
    steveagain, Pony and Marzydj like this.
  10. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    We've got "Dry July" down here.
    As my birthday is in July there's no way I'll be taking part :lol: :beer:
    Birdy likes this.
  11. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    well, 5 hours 53 minutes in and i'm still off it.
    Barneyrubble, CollyP and Moons like this.
  12. Good going. Hang in there! :)
    rickyrooo1 likes this.
  13. It`s the law to drink in France and it is the only thing that is cheap...:burp:

    I need realistic goals...:beer:
    scooper, holmsen and baygeekster like this.
  14. I'm supporting Leave Me The F**k Alone-ober.
    baygeekster, howard64 and Terrordales like this.
  15. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    As i stopped smoking 9 years ago now,i'll stop the drinking for a month to see how much better i feel...( For a laugh).
  16. I've been on a 2 glass of red and 1/2 liter of beer a day for over 15 years,,so that's a no from me
    lost-en-france and paradox like this.
  17. kev


    Going perranporth thurssayy for a 5 day
    ******* up stagg do so for that reason im out
  18. lightweight...:beer:

    Giving up things you like for no good reason is crazy...:p:burp::beer::burp:

    your vw bus is polluting the environment ,lets not drive it for a month...:hattip:
  19. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    it's not about giving up what you like as much as seeing if you can do it, i like a challenge, it's a personal test.
  20. At the end of this month, i want be driving it for 1/2 a year :)
    lost-en-france likes this.

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