Replacement Engine Running Rough

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Bay Dreamer, Sep 18, 2022.

  1. The engine should be producing decent power at WOT with the 30-32 btdc centrifugal advance. Still think it’s more likely to be engine top end related.
    mikedjames and Lasty like this.
  2. If I try replacing the coil just to eliminate that. What coil do I go for there are Bosch Blue ones at £180, blue German made at £35.

    At GSF Petronix at £55. Petronix high performance at £75.

  3. Dubs

    Dubs Sponsor supporter extraordinaire

    Avoid Beru blue coils… I have had two new duff ones recently
    paradox likes this.
  4. I’ve got one of these fitted and it’s been fine. Any 3 ohm non balast coil will be ok for testing purposes. Make sure it’s a 3 ohm though as You wouldn’t want to damage your 123 dissy :eek:

    Check this out!
    scrooge95 and snotty like this.
  5. If I figure out how to record my phone screen when I'm driving hands free I'll record the 123 screen...
    Zed likes this.
  6. did you change / check the condenser , a lot of duff ones of those about too,as well as those plugs I mentioned.
  7. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    I am using a black VW coil from Heritage..£42..
    It seems Ok. Theres also a Black Bosch for a bit cheaper.
    Both out of stock at the moment.

    If you didnt replace the spark plugs, or you still have the old ones kicking around, if one has little flecks of metal on it, thats melted piston. 20220922_181218.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2022
  8. If you see ice on it it’s carb icing . Without knowing the complete history of engine it could be anything and probably why it was gotten rid of .If the engine is a turd bolting dells and a123 etc isn’t going to help it
    mikedjames, Lasty and Gooders like this.

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