Electronic Cigarettes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by I changed your name in error. Contact dog, May 12, 2013.

  1. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Of course it is, its tobacco!
    PS. There's no petrol on rolling tobacco...... Did you read the bit where I told you what I do??
    And it's not the bleach in the paper you have to worry about.....
  2. also, about 1 in 5 people that contract lung cancer do so because we breathe oxygen which is carcenogenic, but they brush that under the carpet too.

    the figures they publish are all over the shop, if you get something that has at one time had smoking linked to it as one of the possible causes, you are one of the people included in the statistics for a "smoking related disease" whether smoking was the cause or not.
  3. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    You should work at my place. They spout all that stuff too!
  4. probably because its true, smoking is harmful there's no doubt about that, other thigns are also harmful, some less so and a great number more so.

    public health is a minor factor in the choices of what information to throw at the public. There was a time when the government wouldn't say boo to the tobacco industry because of the revenue it generated for them. That time has passed, its now the global food giants they won't say boo to which is why there is still aspartame (for one example) in so many consumables.

    there is a risk in everything we do in life, it is government's job to provide all the information to enable the populus to make our own decisions, they fail at this because the likes of GSK and Coca-cola corp have them over a barrel.

    from what I've been able to find out I'd cut aspartame and unfermented soya out of my intake before tobacco, and I have done so
  5. Damn, what would I do without unfermented soya? o_O
  6. I don't think I will share any more top tips as its opened a can of worms ,sorry....
    beatnick likes this.
  7. What sort of tobacco do you smoke if its not the 'wet' kind Techno? You on an old school pipe?
  8. No! please do !
  9. Had a quick search to see if we had got any e-cig users on the forum, this thread was near the top of the results so I had a read & then thought erm maybe I won't comment...

    But I did :D

    I was just wondering if anyone has moved from the fag looking ones you can get from the supermarket to those you fill yourself & if there are any good UK suppliers of juice which are worth a try?
  10. Oh bugger
  11. Yep, me.
    @Mrs Top Banana Racing and I both gave up smoking using these.....................

    I'm now on the totally nicotine free type, really quite pleasant, currently I have Vanilla and Pineapple.
    Plus a bottle of flavouring is £5 and lasts 2 weeks as opposed to fags at £8 a packet lasting 2 days (if I was lucky).
    The 'smoke' is just water vapour, nothing too harmful there.
    1050Ron and Robo like this.
  12. What bit should I be worried about then BS
  13. My nana remembers when smoking was recommended and promoted as a health aid and cigs were included in army rations......fast forward 80 odd years and most non smokers would rather stand next to a leper than a smoker and cigarettes are now as bad for you as a mild case of death! lol what a difference a few years makes :p
    I wouldn't be surprised if, in 50 years there are posters up all over the gaff telling you of the carcinogenic qualities of e-cigs and how you should give them up immediately or face a long and suffering death.

    I've tried several brands of e-cigs and found them to give me a really dry mouth, sore throat, empty wallet (I smoke roll ups and the e-cigs were costing almost 3 times as much a week), make old people come up to you and let fly with abuse because the inhalator ones look like a crack pipe (this actually happened to me outside my tattooists hahaha), and you STILL can't smoke them indoors in a lot of places - was asked to leave several pubs and restaurants as apparently its against their policy.......in the end I gave up giving up and went back to proper smoking lol
    sjhjoinery likes this.
  14. I've read some Marmite in my time but this thread gets the prize.

    Well done all, made my evening.
  15. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    I forgot about this thread. The misinformation posted is really quite funny.
    Just off a plane back from another of our mighty fag factories.
    Keep smoking y'all, it pays my bonus.
    Robo and Joker like this.
  16. @Baysearcher ....am i right in thinking that 'Blond' tobacco, harvested green and dried mechanically, contains more tar in relation to nicotine, compared to 'Black' tobacco which is allowed to dry naturally, in the field before being harvested?
    Can't remember the precise details, or where I read it, but seem to remember some World Health spokesperson was using it to back up statistics pertaining to the instance of lung cancer in countries where fewer people developed tumours, despite smoking more...

    I smoke because it makes me look cool:cool:
  17. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Couldn't tell you to be honest as by the time we get our hands on it its bone dry and compressed into metre cubed blocks.
    The 2 main types though are blonde and burley. Burley is a conditioning process preferred by American smokers and results in a much darker tobacco and stronger flavour.
    The tar occurs naturally in the plant, more in the bottom of the stem, less in the young leaves at the tips. All blends are made in enormous silos with different quantities of each part of the plant.
    The worst is the expanded stem we put in most blends which is like solid wood.
  18. Never had any problems in pubs with ecigs. The landlord of my local uses one. Restaurants I use it subtly out of respect. Hold in your lungs longer and exhale down.
    Ego is the next logical step from the fag shaped ones which are crap and expensive in the long run
  19. That would be the branches I keep finding in my golden virginny then. 'll try and keep you in work a little longer chum.
  20. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    GV hasn't got much ES tobacco in, some of the cheaper straights have bloody loads.

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