Consultation on same-sex marriage - last day to submit your view

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JenW, Jun 14, 2012.

  3. Humanist weddings and funerals, never heard of them.

    I'm not religious in the slightest, think its all tosh. In regards to couple who can't have children, that's just a pathetic argument.

    I was just saying I feel same sex is not natural and I can't comprehend it, even after many discussions with my uncle. But live and let live.
  6. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    Church, Jesus forgives unless you've been married before and then he would encourage you to use a registry office

  7. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

  9. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

  12. If a (the?) church doesn't want same sex couples to be married there I cannot fathom why a same sex couple would WANT to be married there anyway (frowned upon on your own wedding day hardly makes for a great occassion), so forcing the church into it is hardly going to be helpful.

    I think the crux of the matter is that there should never have been a difference between marriage and a civil partnership in the first place, they should have just done this from the off. The rest of it is just down to choice of venues really.
  16. Oh, shoot me down in flames. I've not had time to read all the posts but seeing as I don't follow the PC crowd (I like to say what I truly feel as opposed to toeing the line with all the PC crowd) if the point of this thread is to ask if same-sex couples should be allowed to get married in a church as a full-on religious ceremony then I would say no, absolutely not. Civil Partnerships, fine, I've not got a problem with that. But let's leave it there. Erm, and excuse me, before I do get shot down in flames, no, I'm not a homophobe and yes I do have friends who are gay and yes, we do respect each others' views and yes, some of them, not all, do agree with me.

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