
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by volkswombat, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Its confusing as well as hard, they are in no way spoilt, they don't have iPads or techy stuff, they're outdoorsy kids,. In fact Flynn gets invited to friends houses and they want him to play Xbox and he hasn't a clue., Doesn't want to play it. Bit like me.
    We don't give them sugary stuff or crap with E numbers, sweets are a treat only.
    We're strict with behaviour, don't tolerate naughtiness. Think I'm too hard on them sometimes
    They're angels at school apparently.
    Hopefully it's just a phase
  2. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Ha! Snap! Guess what? In their 20's and nothing has changed - one lives in a caravan in her garden due to being so obnoxious and sweary (apparently). This is not a description I even barely recognise, not a raised voice with me and certainly never been sworn at! - I've always listened, she just waits for them to stop speaking. :(
  3. I had the same with my girls 3 years between them.Getting them eat was very challenging,every mealtime was a battle and was coupled with little sleep .one day I chased my eldest around the dining table untill I was exhausted nd still didn't catch her.
    This week we have had my daughter,partner the 4 year old and the new 6 weeks old grandson.History has repeated itself ,the parents are exhausted the 4 year old is playing up and showing signs of jealousy.
    You have to bite your tounge step back and start again ,its not easy being a parent
    PSG likes this.
  4. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    Confined in a broken camper van, away from home, tempers fray in adults and kids. Don't be so hard on yourself Jez x
    MrsVolkswombat likes this.
  5. My daughter won't give her 4 year old fizzy drinks or sweets
  6. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    I have a great relationship with my 5 year old, it seems that I'm very very lucky cos she is an absolute angel, but the family over the road on the other hand all I hear them doing is shouting at their 5 and 7 year olds they are the children from hell, you are a good dad because it is upsetting you because you care, next time they are naughty take something away from them, something they enjoy playing with,and tell them why you've taken it and they can have it back when they are good, don't give in and threaten them that you'll take it away every time they are rude to you
    Good luck
    jivedubbin and 3901mick like this.
  7. It's a long time since my kids were that age but, as other people have said, having enough sleep is the key to surviving that phase - and in my experience it is just a phase.
    Not that everything is sweetness and light from there on but they learn social skills at school and also appreciate what you do for them more as they talk to the other kids whose parents barely talk to them never mind go cycling with them etc..
    It's s*** at times, especially as a dad I think, but the bad times will come to an end.
    One thing I did find when I was tired was that I lost perspective on things and my wife told me that what I took as slights from them was nothing like - it was just kids been kids.
    Hope things improve
    jivedubbin likes this.
  8. My son seems to go through phases. At the moment he's on one of his bad ones, rude, demanding and all round little Marmite. I put it down to the school hols, it's the change in his routine.
    I'm new to this parent stuff so I'm just muddling through.
    I do lose it though with the older step kids from time to time.
    But they just tell me to f**k off.
    snotty likes this.
  9. Being a parent is not easy and always challenging. My two are grown up now and in their 40's, but I remember the early days when they were kids. The kids were young and full of energy, us parents were always tired through work and running the home.

    Kids are often seen as naughty and playing up from the parents view, but kids are just being kids and having fun and using up all that energy.

    As a parent you have to let kids have fun and never over react or be too strict or laying down the law. I remember when I was a kid, school was tough and all discipline and rules and all don'ts. Being at home meant I could relax and let my hair down and have some freedom.

    As I see it parents and kids are in sort of different worlds and as an adult you should try to be more in their world, they will love you for it. Never ever lose your temper or get angry with them, be cool and calm and talk to them if they are behaving badly, explain why you are not happy with their behaviour. Losing your patience and getting angry will hurt you more than your kids.

    You don't want to be remembered in later life as a bad tempered Dad, you want to be thought of as a nice bloke who was always kind and gentle and loving. Aim for that.

    At this time, you are working hard and looking after the kids and its tiring for you. The answer is to somehow get some time and space and relaxation for just you, so you can recover a bit and de-stress.
    MrsVolkswombat, skewes and the2ems like this.
  10. Best to keep it in yer pants really :thumbsup:
    oscar likes this.
  11. i took tiny and stephen to the fun fair last week , tiny is now 8 stephen is now nearl13 but austic. soon as we hit the fair stephen turned into to a night mare , i tryed to ignore it and blame his problem , where as tiny was doing his best to rob as much money and goes on the fair as possible in as short a time as he could , evry time i asked stephen what do you want to go on now , i got I DONT NO ,then sulk strop sulk . as time went on he got worse , in the end i just turned and marched them back to the car and drove them home with a big bag on unused tokens , and plentey of protests and tears from stephen . i turned and said next time you can stay at home when me and tiny goes out . it didnt take long for the penny to drop with him AUSTIC OR NOT , so i feel your pain and chin up , your doing a mighty fine job , men can HAVE off days to , ask me how i no lo all the best owen
  12. put a sock on it...:hattip:
    Low n slow likes this.
  13. I thought this was a very good reply. ^^^. Mine are all grown up now, and to be honest, I got away with the worste stuff because I was always at work. But I do see a lot of my youngest grandson who has just turned 7. He has a switch, and goes between Angel and horrible nightmare. But I always try to tell myself that if I lost it with him, I could never undo that moment, and he would probably always remember it. Although I have lost it a couple of times, and it haunts me every time I think of those incidents. Raising kids is the hardest thing you will ever do in your lifetime, but also the most rewarding. The bad times don't last forever.
    MrsVolkswombat, Lord Congi and snotty like this.
  14. Benzodiazepam.................................ask me how I know.
    Barry Haynes and Terrordales like this.
  15. Oi
    CollyP likes this.
  16. The bike was only suitable for a 6 year old!
    Woodylubber and CollyP like this.
  17. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    Hey! My 3 boys are 14,12 and 7. Its constant competion! They are gobby little Marmitees to me and the wife but we put up with it as one day they wont be here. Its great! Little

    Sent from my LG-H440n using Tapatalk
    jivedubbin and Kkkaty like this.
  18. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    We love them dearly, but all 3 of em could do with a good night kiss .

    Sent from my LG-H440n using Tapatalk
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2016
  19. Well been a better day,

    Good to know others feel the same or know what it's like.

    skewes, paradox, cunny44 and 8 others like this.
  20. Might be just as bad tomorrow, though ;)...
    volkswombat likes this.

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