Bristol Park Run charge?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jack Tatty, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. Im in one of those kind of pension schemes which i now have to pay significantly more into to pay those pensions, cant retire till im 67 unless i want a reduced pension and my employer agrees and its worth 30% less when i do. Im guessing thAt amongst the objecting residents who have issues with the run are tight wad im allright jack final salary pension surfers after all they paid to live in what looks like an affluent and leafy area didnt they. Not like they are rif raf or anything.

    Going back to the issue. Why didnt they just resolve the matter by discussing and finding a compromise. Im guessing this will now end up in a legal battle as a matter of principal. Taxpayers money spent and parkrun having their legal coffers funded by incensed park-runners.
  2. Got to agree with it impacting other park users. There was a parkrun in the park behind our old house. I used to enjoy walking our dogs early on a Saturday until it started. The runners took up the whole path (the only path in and out of the park from that direction) and we almost got trampled (our dogs are quite small and I had to carry them to stop them getting injured) and then got abuse shouted at us as well! Complained to the organisers and asked them to show a bit more respect to other users of the facilities and was told "well we do this every week, walk your dogs at a different time" :mad: Was very tempted to go earlier the following week and let the dogs Marmite all over the path for them.

    Anyway I think the idea is good and if it gets people exercise then that is a good thing but it does take away the amenities from other people for the duration of the event and if they want/need exclusive use of a facility they should put their hand in their pocket and pay for the privilege. If it's a larger park where they can arrange the event so it doesn't prevent other people using it then keep it free.
    chad and Pickles like this.
  3. I'd agree, parks are for everyone at all times.
    67westy likes this.
  4. Thats not acceptable behaviour. Well done you for having such a balanced view. There does seem to be a certain element involved of those who like to think they are elite athletes lol. And have an attitude. I dont think thats the norm for all. A few bad apples eh.
    67westy likes this.
  5. Having difficulty with the 'can't get the kids to ride their bike' and 'can't walk the dog' bit. It's for half and hour to an hour, one day a week.
    Perhaps the council ought to charge for dog walkers so as to clear up the dog mess since there is an argument about litter being dropped by the runners.
    We all pay council tax, so lets all share and enjoy it.
    Osbert, Dicky and Jack Tatty like this.
  6. If I want to go out early and walk the dogs in the local amenities I should be able to, why should I have to rearrange my plans to fit around other people? I pay my council tax to use these facilities. If they could plan the run so they don't use the whole path, which is the only access to the park, then I don't have a problem. If they want to obstruct other peoples use of the facility they pay for the privilege. Seems a reasonable expectation to me.
    chad and Pickles like this.
  7. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Local Council in "We are *****s" shocker.
    vanorak and Dicky like this.
  8. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    I know that if you walked your dog when our local park run is on, you'd have no problem with space, there's plenty for everyone :thumbsup:.
    67westy likes this.
  9. Sounds better planned than our local one then :thumbsup: Probably a bit of a trek for me just to walk the dogs though:p
    Jack Tatty likes this.
  10. these runners shouldn't expect exclusive use, or are they above everyone else, if so the way to get that is to pay for more for it, that's what typically happens for other exclusive events.
  11. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Do you have a link to the where the Park Runners say they expect exclusive use?
  12. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    When our run is on you'll typically get 300 runners. You also get groups of people doing army style fitness programs, then you'll have some dog walkers, a few older couples out for a morning stroll, so hardly exclusive use for Park Run is it?
  13. I had a friendly spat with Woodster and Matty on this and it was amusing but I cant believe the small mindedness of some contributors. It beggars belief. perhaps they don't understand what its about.

    Why do people expect other people to pay for something that we all already collectively pay for. If it is because they don't do that thing then they need to take stock of their introversion and reevaluate their place in society.

    As for inconsiderate park users. Then it doesn't matter what they are doing, they are inconsiderate and you have my sympathy if you are a victim of this. I have inconveniencies in my life that result in me not being able to do what I want, when I want to. Its usually no biggy!
    Jack Tatty likes this.
  14. I've just been reading a bit more about this, seems the runners have barcodes and its all very competitive ... other races you have to play to enter and I'd be interested to know how much the directors of the company earn a year from this not for profit organisation.
    I dont think these guys are going to give any other park users much space in their quest for a personal best. I used to run to keep fit and cycle but its all now about getting your best Strava segment time and training zones as opposed to fun.
  15. So by virtue of the fact that individuals have barcodes so as to be able to get their time to see how they have performed that makes it competitive and a race! Why not nip down to your local one and have a chat with them, witness what's going on. And im sure its like that every week lol!
  16. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Sure there are the front runners who take it very seriously, but the majority who go to our run know they won't win it but enjoy it all the same. So we use barcodes? Well it's motivating to see what time you did one week and see if you can better it the next week. How is that taking all the fun out of it? Utter nonsense.
  17. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Yes but it gives them something to moan about when they phone in to the Jeremy Vine show.
  18. personally I couldn't run a tap without breaking into a sweat! if any good comes from this its the thought I might actually start doing this even if just to pee people off!

    Im off to buy some running shoes!
    Zed and Jack Tatty like this.
  19. Just been and looked at my local one, 25 miles away. The last event had 350 racers.

    Park Run .... It really is a big business that has hoodwinked all of you
  20. I'm off to buy a barricade "get off my park"
    Dicky likes this.

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