Are there any keen gardeners on tlb ?.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Poptop2, May 19, 2012.

  1. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  2. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    come to tlb at the farm and i'll bring you a load of plants on the cheap that need a bit of tlc, it'll get you started and you get to get drunk with us lot at the same time!
  3. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  4. dog

    dog Tea Boy

  5. plant veg in the gaps, then you end up with a nice looking garden that pays its way ;)

    Carrots give nice green ness. and lettuce comes in a range of colours i could go on but you get the idea :thinking:
  6. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    mmm, the lettuce idea is a goodun burntout, curly kale and chard are also great for borders!
  7. Cheers dog, there are many vegetables/herbs out there to choose from, just get what you eat for it to be more worthwhile. :p But Like you say dog, there are a lot of summer plants to add colour etc, and what better excuse to go to a car boot than to get some plants cheap and then see what other little cheap nick nacks/bargains you can find. :)

    Osteospernum is quite a good one that spreads quickly, stays low and flowers are cool, and you can take cuttings really easy to get more should you want it. It does look like you may have some of that in one of your pictures. We could name the shrubs for you but would you remember? LOL
  9. Beautiful garden by the way :) is have to have veggies in it hehe x
  11. the previous owner has done you proud ,lots of interesting plants bushes etc...I am a keen gardener , what bring me the most joy is getting free plants by collecting seeds etc...

    I also look after a very very nice garden which have adopted lots of my landscaping ideas....

    I would utilise the fences to have climbers maybe roses etc ,also I would be tempted to add a few tree`s to maybe block the sheds and give it a bit of height ,also under trees are good for primrose etc..I am well into seedums ,they are good ground cover for you rockery and require no maintanance and stop the weeds ... ;D
  12. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    There be two mentioned I would not put in

    Holyhocks very nice but will seed like crazy if you fail to deadhead and the foliage can look tatty.
    Chard is another that spreads were it like as I found out on my previous allotment.

    Both can be controlled with time.

    From your pics it looks to be a pretty low maintenance planted garden. I think in pic3 thats a prostrate evergreen.
    The purple one in pic 1 will self seed and return each year (i like) is I think an aguilera
    The small headed blue flower from here looks like For-get-me-not. This will spread but again can be controlled with a little effort.
    In a German legend, God named all the plants when a tiny unnamed one cried out,
    "Forget-me-not, O Lord!" God replied, "That shall be your name."

    Pic 4 looks to have a brush plant with purple flowers on the left most edge of the frame with a prostrate fur middle of frame up against the fence. Just beyond the prostrate fur can I see a purple and blue flowering aguilera and further down the clumps by the grass looking like large leaf grass might be Day Lillies which send a stem up with trumpet shape flowers on (comes in many colours yellow being the most common)

    In Pic6 you have the front end of a bike (not sure of the variety and the handles of a wheelborrow again could be a common type or some posh one.
    My first job would be kill that tree growing aganist the fence, looks to be a sycamore.

    Pic 7 has a yellow flowering brush plant and another with yellow/jaffa flowers

    Pic 8 has an Iris in the bottom right corner (large green succulent leaves witha thick stem and buds starting to open looking to be purple. In front of that right in the bottom of the right corner looks to be purple sage (crush a leaf or two and smell it).
    I also see a Foxglove grow next to your path which can grow 4ft+. This will have loads of tubular flowers(hanging down) when the flower has finished it will leave a seed pod remove or have a carpet next year.
    Looks like a Heather behind the Foxglove. The darker green twiggy small bush thing.

    Pic 9 Two Cherry tree stumps and a Heather just in the bottom right of pic.

    pic 10 I can see 7 clumps of Ferns (one is next to seat)

    hope this helps.
  13. I love holyhocks ,good ground cover with the big leaves and lovely flowers and no maintance ,except a few leaves that go yellow....

    I have banana plants in my garden, it might add a bit of tropical...?
  14. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  15. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  16. I am sure malc has a beer trap..

    here`s a couple of slugs having a wee drink before taking the plunge...

  17. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Thanks you guys ,Mick i don't have a slug trap yet i have been too busy getting it back into some sort of shape , but will have soon :)

    TW, you are very good identifying plants from those pics thanks and you are mostly right , i am ok at gardening over the years i have made and maintained a few but no expert by a long way.

    Here's three plants i cannot for the life of me remember the name of , can anyone name them and how do i seperate the first two and when ?.

    This is a beautiful blue lille type plant that grows by the pond -

    This is a thistle leafed type plant that has the most stunning whitish purple flowers

    This i have two of and found it beneath the weeds red leaves similar to a jap acer shape but a small plant -

    Mick i am going to replace most of the fences next year and the one by the sheds belong o the neighbour , he has asked me not to plant stuff against it ::)
  18. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Malc, with those fences you could espalier some fruit trees.
    In our terrace in Sydney we had a couple of apple trees & a pear tree done this way, it's time consuming to train them but it does look good. :)

    Lovely garden by the way.
  19. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  20. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    OK, even if you can't use the fence it's relatively easy to do with a few solid posts & some fencing wire. Close to the fences but not touching.
    Cool climate grapes could also be used & then you can make your own wine

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