What/who is your hometown famous for?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zebedee, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. I lived in Caterham most of my life.....famous for:

  2. Contrast? I also have this! loads of good designs!
  3. Yes Contrast Tom. Also Contour (but you don't see much of that about). So '70's but futuristic at the same time.
  4. Brilliant! Just read through those links. My Dad saw the glow in the sky from the Crystal Palace burning down, and he used to watch the speedway at CP which led him to support the football team, a tradition which me and moosey have continued :thumbsup:
    Mrs Majorhangover likes this.
  5. Brilliant! Bet that was amazing! You should carry on your dad's speedway tradition by coming to the Motorsport Day at the end of May :)
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  6. [​IMG]this bloke [​IMG]this bloke[​IMG]this young lady
  7. [​IMG]I was looking for pictures of famous things from Watford and came across this it is The Dame Edith Fuller free school , the first school in Watford , the free school along with Dame Edith went on to become The Girls grammer school just around the corner ,
    I used to live in the building to the left in the picture , top window was my bedroom ,,,,,:rolleyes:
  8. I was brought up in Aintree, home of the racecourse and the world's worst nightclub (now demolished) Paradox:D
  9. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I went to the British Grand Prix at Aintree with my Mum & Dad ........... in 1955 :eek:
  10. I raced a 750 Kawasaki there in 2000, very weird feeling, passing the famous fences on a bike.
    72wilma likes this.
  11. When I was a very little nipper I remember the bike races at Aintree every Sunday, they were LOUD!

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