Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by howard64, Sep 16, 2012.

  1. Fellow smokers of TLB. My kids have been hounding me since seeing the ads on tv about the new campaign to give up smoking for 28 days in October! I'm up for it and have registered on the 'Stoptober' web site for phone app,free toy and self help pack!!
    Just wandered if any fellow TLBers are up for it too? Maybe Mods could set up a page to register any interest of members so we could encourage each other,and maybe we could donate half our savings to a worthy local cause? What do you reckon fellas and fellases!
  2. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    put up a poll to guage interest buddy. good idea!
  3. I would love to stop,but just not ready mentally (even though i'm mental)
    But good luck mate!
  4. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    Good luck Howard64

  5. Good luck howard im sure you will suceed, the biggest factor is Do you want to stop, once you answer yes then your on the way.
    i packed up 14 yrs ago, no patches no nicotin patches just will power and it was hard, even harder when you went in a pub back then as people would be smoking and drinking...

    and for the sake of your kids do it. think of the money you will save
  6. I'll do it with you. Need some moral support.
  7. im on day 4 already brother or is it 5 ...gave up smoking and the old jamican wonder stuff ....feel better already ......count me in for this ,im donating my money to my daughters already ,24 years smoking both everyday ...christ my lungs dont know whats it hit em ---fresh air
  8. Nice one people.......roll on October the 1st!...bring it on!!
    .........now, where did I put me fags? (that's cigarettes to you, damagedduck)
    [​IMG]..nice one silver,don't mind if I do! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  9. Good on you Howard and the best of luck
    The wife and are on day 2 of kicking the habit with the help of the tablets from the doctors, we both have tried before but this time we business
  10. Lazy Andy

    Lazy Andy Supporter

    Good luck fella, I've gave up 4-5 years ago and haven't looked back!! It does help that there's no smoking in pubs and most of my friends just scorned me cos they didn't smoke!
  11. Even if I wanted to give up, which I don't, I'd now make sure I didn't do it in October simply because the CallMeDave wants me to.
  12. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    Well I'm normally as bloody minded as Technohippy but I'll give it a go. Mind you I have been smoking since I was 11 and that was a very long time ago.
    I've signed up with Stoptober so wish me luck.
  13. Good luck all of you! :crossed I gave up 2 years ago with the help of electronic cigs, haven't had a smoke since, but vape everyday - no difference, just no nicotine or tar or carcinogens.
  14. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Me n the mem sahib gave up about 6 or 7 years ago. We used that Alan Carr book becuase it was highly reccomended (it was ok, but you could have put the usefull info in it on one side of A4 tbh).....struggled for maybe first 24 hours. There are still times when we think it would be nice to crack open a box of lovely fags, but we don't and we don't really miss it :)
  16. Moons

    Moons Guest

    I'm glad Stoptober comes just after Startember....
  17. Whenever I hear that stupid Stoptober advert (what a stupid name, Stoptober, how long did it take them to dream that one up) it always sounds to me like they're about to say 'we'll give you £5000!', if you give up. Now that would be an incentive. Even I'd give up for 5 grand! But there's no incentive at all. Well, none that I recall hearing anyway. So, what a load of rubbish it is. Anyway, in reality, the fewer who give up smoking the better for the government. Yes, yes, I know, it costs the government millions of quid for the NHS to treat smokers. Whatever. Don't make me feel bad about it. Like all smokers, I've paid my dues in taxes and duties, so less of the guilt trip please.
  18. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    Well I've got three fags left and then from tomorrow morning I'm stopped. :eek:
  19. Half a pack of soft mints down so far ::)

    And it's only half nine :(
  20. good luck all you stoppers!

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