Show us your proper HiFi

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by snotty, Jan 3, 2019.

  1. 99 quid :thumbsup:
    scrooge95 and Ermintrude like this.
  2. scrooge95 and snotty like this.
  3. :hattip:
    Ermintrude likes this.
  4. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

  5. Baysearcher likes this.
  6. Living room System:
    Project turntable
    Arcam CD
    Nad pre & power amps
    Nakamichi cassette deck
    Linn Keildh speakers


    Attic system:
    Dual turntable
    Arcam amp
    Arcam tuner
    Marantz CD (i was given this and have just given it to someone else)
    Yamaha tape deck
    Mission 760 se speakers
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2019
  7. 07FC6948-74AC-4A3C-94C9-C08E6C9627AA.jpeg
  8. ginger ninja

    ginger ninja Supporter

    I used to have a nad 3130 amp. Had it for years and years. And I bought it second hand. It was the 1st propper bit of hifi I ever bought. Only blew up about 2 years ago!

    Sent from my SM-J320FN using Tapatalk
    paulcalf and snotty like this.
  9. Hardcore!
  10. I think @Barry Haynes has had a lot of trouble with his NADs...
  11. We dont have a proper Hi Fi any more used to have a kenwood separates Hi Fi. Now just have Sonos speakers in every room.
    and one of these in the lounge to.

    Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at 20.07.29.png
    paulcalf, Ermintrude and Dubs like this.
  12. My Nads were also 2nd hand! Got them when I was 18 for about £110, after a tip off from my mates dad who is obsessed with hifi and used to scoure 2nd hand shops for bargains.

    He is so obsessed he had a separate electrical feed installed into the house (whilst wife on holiday) in the belief that less electrical interference would improve his sound.

    Since then he has spent £70k sinking a dedicated sound room into his garden! It's pretty amazing but my ears aren't capable of hearing that level of "improved" quality.
    scrooge95 and ginger ninja like this.
  13. ginger ninja

    ginger ninja Supporter

    Blimey he has it bad! I remember my mate (who I bought the nad off) told me of someone who made big hifi ears out of cornflakes packets to improve the sound. Thought that was extreme until now!

    Sent from my SM-J320FN using Tapatalk
    paulcalf likes this.
  14. All bargains
    I paid £150 for the Linn speakers, arcam amp, cd, radio, nakamichic tape deck and the stand.

    Project turntable was given to me
    snotty likes this.
  15. Make sure the new amp has a phono stage or you won't be able to use the turntable.

    Unless you have a phono pre amp - I couldn't see from the pictures.
    snotty and scrooge95 like this.
  16. Before the sunken room he converted the attic to music rooms. I was thinking about getting some new 2nd hand hi-fi and he showed me what he had in one of the attic rooms: he had about 50+ spare bits of hi-fi. All stuff he couldn't resist buying when he saw it in 2nd hand shops. Before I went down stairs he just said don't tell my wife!
  17. I'm glad I'm not that bothered by the search for perfect sound!
  18. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    No I’ve not got a pre amp, although I do hanker after one as the quality is far superior to those that get built in. I’ll end up with what I can afford, but I dream....!
    Another consideration for me is that it had a tape loop included as I’m still digitising my vinyl , so need outputs.

    Might be southern slang, but did no one else snigger with @paulcalf “my nads were also 2nd hand” ?? C’mon!!!
    paulcalf, Ermintrude and ginger ninja like this.
  19. of course i did! :D

    How was your party or is it still going on?:beer:
    scrooge95 likes this.

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