shielsy s bus

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by shielsy, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. i went through the vans service which is quite a lot of nothing ,spent a fortune on the same thing year in and out , they where roasted with the work and prices they where charged , it aslo went through a resto in 1996 , all the panels we took of where new with schofield s stickers on them and no paint or anything to seal them a JOKE , i have written to the 2 brothers that owned the van to find out more of its history but no reply as yet owen nw
  2. i went through the vans service which is quite a lot of nothing ,spent a fortune on the same thing year in and out , they where roasted with the work and prices they where charged , it aslo went through a resto in 1996 , all the panels we took of where new with schofield s stickers on them and no paint or anything to seal them a JOKE , i have written to the 2 brothers that owned the van to find out more of its history but no reply as yet owen nw
  3. pop top top now painted in 2k black owen nw adrian
  4. [​IMG]
  5. got this reply from a former owner here in n ireland today

    My brother had bought the van of ebay as a donor vehicle to use the mechanicals for a unfinished restoration that he had bought. Think it was collected from glasgow direction. He then came across a good type 2 camper so the unfinished resto and donor were sold and went to coleraine direction. We could not believe the MOT had only expired when he got it! Would not give you a lot of faith in main land MOT. Will ask if he still has any info on where he bought it.
  7. history works for me too , left the metal up rights for the pop top with the blasters , the new compressor he got Marmitee its self so have to wait now for them , but can still do other bits and bobs owen nw :( ::)
  8. nasty job to day , fitting the seal that goes between the roof skin and outer frames took 3 of us to do it lots of swearing , started one side worked around then doubled back the other way , feeding the seal in abit at a time , forgot to take me wee tool for inserting the beading owen nw

  9. more on the hard top we now have fitted the beading on the new seal with the proper tool
    then the fun seal NOT the one that goes around the outside edge pig of a job 2 hours to do taking turns as it was sore on the hands ,
    plenty of tools used to see which one worked the best
    trial fitt of the new cdanvas owen nw adrian
  10. [​IMG]
    came from usa
    last rim blasted
  11. got the spring loaded bars back to day from the blaster , great job again . now have to paint the last pieces black before fitting the foof , also have restored the chrome surronds for the front doors, took them of the breaker van , came to the rescue again , so tomorrow night we should have the doors built and roof seton owen nw adrian ,
  12. Im just doing the poptop on mine... What was the best tool for the rubbers?? Also are you putting a vinyl cover on the poptop or will it be waterproof how it is? Im just looking for some vinyl because thats what i took off mine but if it can be waterproof painted i might just paint like you have!! I presumed because mine had vinyl on it thats how they were meant to be?? :eek:
  13. as far as i no they where painted , any i had before where also painted , some one might have put on leatherette to try and water proof it , if you want ye can have a lone of my tool for doing the rubbers , i can post it , new rubbers makea big difference to the finish , owen nw
  14. that roofs comming together nicely mate :D

    ....not looking forward to taking mine off!
  15. couple of hairline cracks in the skylight so using some of this industrial glue to make sure its seals , from adrians shop , owen nw

  16. started to assemble the ds front door , put on the chrome surrond inner rubber, quarter glass frame, went to wind up the window, the outer scrapper rubber came appart , so i have to buy new ones , that was all that time wasted ,then greased up the side pop top frames and put one on , but decided to wait till wee put on the inner roof cap first , so will do it all sat , more time wasted lol owen nw
  18. ye can have a lend of mine why buy one owen nw
  19. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    This is a great resto -- great going Owen :)
  20. All looking well matey... 8)

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