Paras bus resto

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by paradox, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Nice one paul
    Its going to be great seeing the visulisations in my head come to life

    With the carriers,bullbars and the other stuff thats to be painted black ive decided to have them gloss black instead of satin cheers dude
    Paul Weeding likes this.
  2. Looks like you found a good "Niche Market".
    Looks the nuts, I'd be up for one.
    paradox and Paul Weeding like this.
  3. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Tastefully done Paul.
    paradox and Paul Weeding like this.
  4. Wheels too?

    Good job you told me now :p
    paradox likes this.
  5. Yes wheels aswell please paul
    Paul Weeding likes this.
  6. Nice work yet again Paul!
    paradox and Paul Weeding like this.
  7. Not a problem :cool:
    paradox likes this.
  8. It's interesting that your bus is at the stage where we can share your visualisations Para, I like what I'm seeing your bus will be one of a kind I reckon!

    I'm one for something different personal touches, individuality etc. & have got a few ideas buzzing round in my head but need to get the bus outside the house so I can get my mate round with some stainless & his tape measure! I've also got an idea in my head for some vinyls but need to get my hands on a copy of photo shop!

    Some will say individuality will effect the resale but Mrs Robo told me the other day that were not selling Molly! I was gob smacked!

    Keep the updates coming guys I can't wait to see the next instalment :)
    Paul Weeding and paradox like this.
  9. Thats very true robo and its nice others can also see what ive been waffling on about for an age lol

    The resale value could be effected thats sure
    However if i wanted to sell and wanted a more normal looking bus for a wider market
    I could unbolt the tubaler add ons and paint the poptop and bumpers white and it would be a normal bus apart from the carrier mounting holes at the rear
    I could fit colour coded grommits in those to tidy it up

    Hopefully im going to love it so much ill never want to sell it
    Ive threatend to sell it during many low points during the 6 years ive had the bus but im now looking forward to getting out there and using and appreciating it

    Its going to be interesting to see peoples reactions to it at shows thats for sure
    Robo likes this.
  10. Hey mate sorry I didnt realise you said about the landline told you the signal was bad!, I managed to get up earlier and had a leisurely morning! but feel free to ring when you want mate I'll pm my landline!
    That wheel carrier looks really good mate your doing a top job! really professional!
    I need a few good days on Archie if im gonna get done for Dent!
    paradox and Paul Weeding like this.
  11. Nice work Paul
    paradox likes this.
  12. Only a small update tonight... latching system has taken a fair bit of head scratching, but I think I'm pretty much there :p

    You'll have to excuse the state of the background as I'm in the middle of having a workshop tidy :oops:

    Made up a boss to offset the locker rod, and added a section to the top hinge bracket

    I used a spring loaded bolt to do this, but I'll replace the "bolt" with a length of stainless once I've got it all finalized. And I'll add the bolt guides to the flat panel as a folded section on the production models!! :)

    So tomorrow, I'll finish the latch, and sort the bottom pivot!!

    I'm also going to add a couple of rose joints to it for fine tuning the level of the carrier, but it'll also de-stress any misalignment in the pivot points!! :cool:
    paradox likes this.
  13. At least you have a workshop that needs tidying!
    paradox likes this.
  14. LOL That is true!! :D
  15. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Is that also what keeps it "closed" as it were?
    paradox likes this.
  16. indeed it is :cool:

    I might have a anti rattle dampener to add as yet...
    paradox likes this.
  17. Im liking that paul:)

    On the production model could you make one of the wheel mounting studs a little longer than the others and drill a horizontal hole through it please
    I want to be able to fit a pad lock through it to help stop the theft of my spare wheel or firepit
  18. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    I like the look of that, it's different from the rest and looks well thought out!
    paradox likes this.
  19. I think there is enough length on the bolts for drilling and padlocking :) will double check :)
    paradox likes this.
  20. Thats looking pretty cool now. Love the locking mech. :thumbsup:
    paradox likes this.

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