
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dicky, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  3. So going to an olympic event could have been a life changing experience for the disenfranchised youth? Have you lost your marbles.

    Maybe....whenever you read a biography about a great sportsman or designer from a disadvantaged background(I have two in mind) there is always one event, or person who took an interest that was the turning point in there life.
    Totally idealistic it may be...... but I do try not to get too jaded in my outlook like you are lol!!!
  4. Honky

    Honky Administrator

  5. Honky

    Honky Administrator

  6. I thought you had to be an optimist to drive one :)
  7. Made the effort and went to see the torch with the boy today

  8. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    blimey it came through Derbyshire two weeks ago...where the hell have they been with it, transport by rail? ;D
  9. All over the shop by the looks of it, doesn't seem much sense to where they go.

    And what's with all this travel between towns on a bus?? I thought the idea was to run the thing across the country?
  10. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    we are going to

    France for a lot of it :)
  11. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    There's some proper yarbles on here! A shambles? ok, the G4S thing is a fiasco, but that aside? So its cost a lot of money? Yeah, sadly putting on a world event like an Olympic games does cost a few bob, so build a bridge. Still its on time unlike the Wembley thing which was a true shambles. As for, its for corporates, not "the people"... my brother is taking his sons to the athletics and the last time I checked he was just an ordinary bloke, doesn't run or work for any multinationals that I know of. I think you'll find there's plenty of ordinary folk there. I'll watch as much as I'm able, but especially the athletics and the swimming amongst others. Don't want anything to do with it? Well good for you, don't watch then... :D
  12. We're having time off to watch the bmx, Only cause we;re bmx fruits though!! I have a bet to who'll take who in which corner all planned!! Willers from nz will take the win!!
  13. Baby sitting I.T. Racks during a lot of the games at Stratford and other venues Gunnar try and catch some of it. First shift is opening ceremony. Fingers crossed it goes well but will probably look better on the TV.
  15. Is it over yet?

    Not a big sports fan. Don't think athletes are 'heros' just obsessive to a pathological level. I knew someone who trained to county level as a x country runner. Screwed up her education, her body (screwed up menstrual cycles, muscle and bone development etc etc).

    I don't think self obsessed athletes are ideal role models for so called disenfranchised youth. 'Follow your own personal goal to the exclusion of everything else.' Sport, especially athletics, is mostly about losing and being really upset about losing.

    Mentally we do signpost our lives and imagine single points are responsible for change rather than life being an ongoing progression of events.

    Think it's obscene how people's rights have been completely subverted for this indulgence. Lots of businesses have effectively been shut down because of their proximity to the games (vague promises of compensation reneged on).
    Anti aircraft weapons sited on residential blocks so that they can shoot down planes over other residential blocks before they reach a stadium (doh).
    Military to 'protect' the stadiums.

    Came across a 2 lane road in Battersea where one lane is an Olympic lane and the other a bus lane, just dumb.

    When it's all over and the depleted coffers are drained to pay for all the debt the games have generated for the government irrespective of the profit generated by the super corporates and simple resources for ordinary life take years for the politicians to release as normal. People will realise how much of the building carried out for the games will be demolished at even more expense and how little is left for us.

    And and and and
    The most sickening thing for me is how police and officials have suddenly been given stalinist powers to enter homes without warrant to remove any olympics related notices from your windows! We're assured that these powers wouldnt be used just like the anti terrorism powers wouldnt be used to break up protests! yeah right!

    Is it over yet?
    Not for a long time!
  16. It's fantastic. Once you strip away the political bullsh!t, corporate w@nkers etc there's a thousand athletes who have trained their hearts out since being kids, with one common ambition. ......to be the best. Most of them receive no serious financial gain or longevity in their careers.

    I'm an athletics coach and watch young kids go out and try to achieve their dreams. I've seen them turn into regional, national and international champions whilsts studying for exams. Whilst other kids play computer games, become social misfits and thinks is great to have 3 ASBOs.

    Thumbs down to the bullsh!t but please support all the athletes in all the sports for all the nations.
  17. Being an Athlete is not necessarily the route to model citizenship as you suggest:


    I understand the motivation and for many people the structure and discipline training gives could be a life saver. I'm thinking of training as a cricket coach because my kid has a lot of fun playing cricket but the intense hot housing needed to become a top athlete, I wouldn't wish that on him at all.

    I really don't get the contribution made shaving a 10th sec of 100metres. I don't see the relevance to most of real life? And to literally put people on pedestals for such single mindedness on what is ultimately a trivial thing, is baffling to me..

    Loads of great people out there dedicating their lives to causes far more worthy. Lets give them the acknowledgement they deserve, lets support them, put them on pedestals....

    Think what those people could do with the investment put into the Olympics!

    Is it over yet?
  18. I still don't get why after spending horrendous amounts of money building up the Olympic village and surrounding buildings once the games are over a huge portion of it will be flattened! :eek:

    Surely after spending all that why not leave it be and use the whole area as a central hub to train new athletes? Why waste more money knocking it down again.

    And turning the stadium into a football stadium? Why not leave it as it was intended?
  19. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I watched the opening show the other day and to be honest got bored when the NHS bit started and the rest which followed and found myself using the fast forward control.

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