Wilby's long term resto.....8 years counting!

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by vwbusman, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. A bit more done today. Completed the welding to the sliding door. Just a bit more fettling and filler to go before priming.


    Peebee likes this.
  2. I've got this week off work & am hoping to get the spray gun out by the end of the week and shoot some colour. Here's some pics of progress this week.

    Got the spray booth back up in the front garden.

    Finally the filler work is complete on the sliding door

    and nearly completed the cab doors

    and started on the tailgate
    madpad likes this.
  3. Welcome back, love this resto :thumbsup:
  4. Nice work as usual, good to see this resto back up.
  5. Cheers for the comments chaps. Been very busy this week but don't seem to have got that far. I'm too bloody fussy & tend to faff about too much!

    Decided to go and get a new engine lid from VWH to save myself some work. Flatted it down, welded the corners and some holes and it was ready for paint.
    Finished the cab doors and sprayed them up with Custom epoxy421 along with the engine lid


    Door fit is a bit iffy as I welded the arch on too high trying to minimize the gap at the bottom. Also messed up the masking of the front panel slightly (will have to blow in an extra couple of mm of blue...oops!)

    Still hoping to get the body painted in top coat by the end of the weekend. Just got to go around with the Liquid Gold filling imperfections & final flat with 800 wet n dry.
    Just looking back at a couple of photo's when I started this resto & realise it was 2004 when I started it!!!! The kids were knee high to a grass hopper and I had more hair! I'll have to change the title!!
  6. You will be on the road before me dude
    Its amazing how time flies
  7. youre an inspiration! amazing work mate really well done! :)
  8. Looking good mate
  9. Your right it seems to fly by the older you get!! I don't know about being on the road before you. Unlike you, I haven't really started on the running gear & painting the underside. It's not a race I know, but the wife's patience is running a little thin now. We just want to start camping in Wilby again!
  10. Got the paint on the main shell yesterday:) It didn't go too bad. A few minor blemishes and a couple sags here and there that I am hoping to flat out once the paint hardens. Anyone have any ideas how long I should leave it before flatting? I used cellulose as I was spraying at home.

    Here's a few shots







    Back to work this week, but hope to get some top coat on the cab doors, slider, engine lid and tailgate over the next couple of weekends.
    Borninabug, Kruger, Diddymen and 3 others like this.
  11. Looks stunning mate :thumbsup:
    cabbieman likes this.
  12. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    well done mate - its been a long time coming but what a transformation! superb :D
  13. Top job as per usual, fantastic work :thumbsup:
  14. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

    Looks great, and nice neat masking on the shuts.

    I'd say it's probably safe to polish now, you picked a great weekend to paint - as being nice and warm all the solvent should have evaporated by now.
  15. Thats looking great dude:thumbsup:

    You can take the majority of the run out with a razor blade wrapped with masking tape around the edges
    That way it cuts the top off the run without damaging the flat paint either side
    vwbusman likes this.
  16. That's a top tip, thanks mate. It reminded me of something I saw in an old Frost catalogue which is like a mini plane fitted with a razor blade called a run razor. I like your idea as you can decrease the amount of tape on the edges of the razor the closer the run gets to the level surrounding paint. Best of all it's only the cost of a razor blade. I will let you know how I get on.
    paradox likes this.
  17. That looks really good, lovely colour too.
  18. Like

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