When are you due to get the Vaccine?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zebedee, Jan 4, 2021.

  1. I saw this from a virologist's point of view this morning and he said even if you are only protected say 60%, if you do catch the virus it will mean you will not become so ill with it than if you didn't have anything. 95 % is good as alot of Flu vaccines are not that effective, depending on the strain. Hope this helps, It's very confusing when you add politics in the mix.
    Merlin Cat and Moons like this.
  2. I meant the Macmillan nurses you’ll see in hospital (the ones I know anyway) if you’ve unfortunately got cancer are NHS nurses, not that Macmillan are not a charity, as a charity they give great support to people.
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  3. My understanding is that most of the organisations set the bar at 50%. I think the US for example said that any vaccine needed to be at least that effective to be approved.
    Moons and snotty like this.
  4. Just spoke with neighbour who is front line staff at the hospital. He says he has had first Pfizer jab but told 2nd will be in 3 months. He said the hospital is full from covid patients with many from the Medway Towns area.

    I do wish folks would adhere to the new lockdown rules as the way things are spreading, we could see covid patients turned away or sent to a hospital many miles away.

    In my street today, the alcoholic got his mates round for a booze up indoors, neighbour next door drove his 2 teenagers to their friends houses, the 84 year old couple across the street were visited by grandson, he went into their house, just so he could wash his car on their driveway and there were other non distancing between neighbours incidents.

    I spoke with another neighbour who I hadn't seen since before Christmas, he said he and his wife, both age 78 had decided to spend Christmas and New Year alone. Good thing they did as their children and grandchildren have Covid due to family mixing.

    I keep my distance from all of them, I don't want covid.
  5. Yes they are NHS employees, but most have their first three years of employment funded by the MacMillan Cancer Support charity and continue to receive funding for training and development thereafter.

    https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer...nurses are employed,for the first three years.
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  6. Lockdowns working then
  7. Careful, with all that curtain twitching you might waft some virus in!
    Gingerbus and Merlin Cat like this.
  8. Do you want to borrow a neighbourhood watch sherrifs badge ??
  9. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Thank you for the reply, really informative!

    So would tight lockdowns not skew the data somewhat if the measure trialists by day to day exposure?

    I’m assuming the stats and modelling people would adjust for that or the sample size is vast?
  10. If I've understood the question correctly Oxford had a problem, in the late Spring if I remember correctly, that there were not enough people catching it in the UK so they switched the emphasis to Brazil.
    On another issue I have seen articles about people volunteering to being deliberately infected but there's so much rubbish been written about vaccines it's probably fake news.
    Merlin Cat, snotty and Moons like this.
  11. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Yep, spot on with what I was pondering.

    So they went overseas, fair play, dash clever these boffins!

    Do you know if the teams that work on this are solely there developing vaccines, or is that one part of their usual tasks?

    Must be one hell of a ride professionally to be able to move this quickly.
  12. The 95% is from Government stats? Depends which one you have I think.
  13. Not always, when the teams are setup the first three years of funding is from Macmillan, but people that join afterwards are directly employed by the NHS, my better half is a Macmillan Breast care nurse.
    Merlin Cat and nobayinhell like this.
  14. It's an institute that just does that and has done for many, many years. They'd planned for this for quite a while before this specific one became known.
    They are incredibly clever people.
    Moons and Merlin Cat like this.
  15. Sounds like our (neighbours) street..:rolleyes:
    Merlin Cat and mgbman like this.
  16. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    I agree with all your points. I read an article about Boris. Saying that he leaves things until last minute so that the choices by then have been whittled down. He can then choose the best of a bad bunch and come across as good. Regardless of the fact that there would have been far better possible choices if he had made an informed decision earlier.

    I understand that this is a very difficult and unique situation, however, it’s been nearly 10 months and we still appear to be fire fighting. This lack of forward planning is affecting us all. There are things that the govt can’t control easily, ie Mgbmans muppet neighbours but they don’t appear to be doing the things they can.

    why ignore pharmacist who are offering to do vaccinations? It is like last year when they ignored offers of help with PPE provision from those who actually know what they’re doing, rather than swiftly set up new businesses with no expertise in that area, who maybe just happen to be mates. I expect Vaccines Minister with name change business will also be coining it in some way.
    Gingerbus, Moons and Purple like this.
  17. No doubt the Covid idiots will be out clapping for heroes as they did last time. I just wish they would get it into their thick brains that we are in a serious pandemic and each of us must do our part to reduce the spread by sticking to the rules.
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  18. I didn't say always, I'm referring to the MacMillan Cancer Support site which is clearly a Charity.

    Its a great cause, it's great that your other half is part of it and I'm glad to support it through monthly contributions, but the fundamental point I'm making is that it's a charitable organisation providing support to our most important public service, without which many more people would suffer.
    I don't see what your issue is with that?
  19. You light up my mornings like a ray of sunshine.
    nobayinhell and Moons like this.
  20. Yes the teams that are working on this, Jenner institute and Oxford Vaccine group are organisations that work solely in this field and have done so for many years. They already had a method developed hence why they were able to rapidly create a vaccine once the specifics of covid-19 were known.
    Moons and Merlin Cat like this.

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