When are you due to get the Vaccine?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zebedee, Jan 4, 2021.

  1. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    There's a surprise - the Daily Mail - the very pits of 'news' papers have announced Boris as a new columnist.

    Despite being sacked by the Times for making up quotes - the paper that attracts the worst of people have given him a job.

    What a joke.
    Jack Tatty, Dubs and Chrisd like this.
  2. how long before they end up in court for something hes said in the paper do you reckon?

    He appeals to the stupid, the deluded, the easily influenced, those with deep seated prejudices and sells them snake oil by the gallon and they lap it up and will vote for him in their stupid, gullible droves once the Boris party comes into being (or is the the Johnson/Faraj Party). he is our Trump isn't he. Odd isn't it. Watching question time last night got the impression that "normal" people have paid attention to what's happened but watch any news vox pop and some toothless slack jaw will be telling you how great he is!
    Jack Tatty, Dubs, Moons and 1 other person like this.
  3. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Trump 101.

    In time of revolution - its the incumbent rulers and their cohort that get the good news first.

    Then its the intellectuals - writers, journalists, lecturers.

    Then the authority figures - police, teachers, etc.

    Trump and Boris know that you'll never be hated for being rich, or indeed upper class as all of us want the safety and security that money brings.

    They also know that the average Jo hates intellectuals - so play the clown or the 'Clarkson says what we all think' muppetry - and these people (ignore journalists, that's now a joke profession) hold you to account, understood the history etc.

    Being a bit of a dopey big lad gets you places. Its the arrogance of the the thick *swearword* that I hate - didn't read briefings, didn't attend cobra meetings - the tell any lie to get him off the hook in the exact moment. I hate that.

    One day the lazy of thought might want to question the status quo and ask why our living standards are declining year on year whilst pillock's like him were at the wheel.
    Jack Tatty and Dubs like this.
  4. Dubs

    Dubs Sponsor supporter extraordinaire


    I despair at our media :(
    Jack Tatty and Moons like this.

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