Up, Down

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by snotty, May 31, 2020.

  1. :thumbsup:

    Protons are quite tough nuts to crack.

    I've written to CERN to suggest they see what happens when they accelerate two Ford Transits into each other at the LHC.
  2. Here they are. I've almost collected them all. Buggers to stick in the album, unless you hold your breath and use tweezers.

    Zed and Norris like this.
  3. Norris

    Norris Supporter

    For years you could never find a pack with the Higgs boson in it. Damn Panini!
    Jack Tatty, Pudelwagen and snotty like this.
  4. I reckon they don’t put them in the packets.

    I’ve got loads of muons, if you want to do swapsies.
  5. Norris

    Norris Supporter

    Muons schmuons! Got any multi dimensional strings?
  6. Screwfix do them :thumbsup:
  7. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    How do you know that we havnt already?
  8. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    They might just be watching and thinking ‘what a load of idiots, don’t interrupt them, let’s see what the idiots do next...’
  9. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    Like having goldfish in a bowl!
  10. Norris

    Norris Supporter

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