TV Yes or no?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zed, Jul 11, 2013.


TV Yes or No?

  1. Yes, square eyes for me and my poor tiny children who know no better

    5 vote(s)
  2. Yes but I'd throw it oot the windy if I had my way

    7 vote(s)
  3. No of course not, only crazy people in favour of mind control watch TV

    4 vote(s)
  1. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I don't have one and the reason is that I don't like anything on it, apart from, say, wimbledon, which I watched on my laptop. I have a TV licence, but no TV. 2 1/2 years so far. I didn't have one before I married either, but while I was, I must have dribbled away years of my life.

    So is there anyone out there who doesn't have one, or would like not to have one?

    I understand Thomas the Tank Engine is a must see for kiddies and it all started there for me. I understand that for a lot of people, not being able to talk about what was on telly last night is socially exclusive, particularly for school age kids.

    This is meant to be light hearted, not a lecture, but with a touch of seriousness.
    Is TV a good thing? Or are we better off without it? Have your say here. If you love it, I won't argue, I'm not an evangelist.

    I do listen to the radio as I drive to work sometimes, so I'm not completely cut off.

    I hope I've presented the case for and against TV dispassionately and without bias.
  2. I never watch TV
    zed likes this.
  3. I rarely watch it these days. If I do, it's recorded stuff or catch up on t'internet.
    zed likes this.
  4. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    Spiderman every morning with the kids 7.00-7.20 I'm addicted.
    oxiderenegade, Lardy and Barneyrubble like this.
  5. I used to watch documentaries on TV but with the internet I can read about the subjects I like and cross reference them and get other opinions very easily. I am a ***** like that
  6. Oh sorry I'm here because i thought this thread was about transvestites

    But i do watch television sometimes as well, lol
    minirob likes this.
  7. I do like Radio 4, tho' Either I'm getting old and barmy, or just more selective. There's some good stuff on R4.
  8. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    TV is watched selectively in Casa Del Terrordales.
    Documentaries & F1 for me & Ms.T likes watching the tennis.
    Apart from that it's rarely on.
  9. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    TV lets you see what other people are getting up to in the world*

    *see benefits thread
  10. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    And now you're annoyed? What else has changed? If that's it, you can keep it.
  11. I watch comedy programes and quizes documentaries if they are about animals or not to deep and the odd sports that i follow , but not everyday. Ive lived without tv and without communication too.
  12. funnily enough i sat in the garden tonight,and thought about the fact ive watched about 5 hrs a week during the summer weeks,
    this includes
    moto gp
    a bit of the tour de france
    a little murry at wimblebum
    and the apprentice ..

    we dont watch tv at dinner time,
    and ive been out in the garden playin with vegtables and woodwork on the evenings, just came in at ten as it got dark,

    ive got some time team specials,and a few docu things on the harddrive...
    and pay a few quid a month to virgin :rolleyes:

    come the winter nites i will watch more ...:thinking:
  13. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I think TV's on the decline just like newspapers.
  14. Don't have one - afraid I'd watch too much c**p on it if I did ;)
    then again I am missing old bullseye re-runs.....
  15. The idiots lantern is on from dawn to dusk in our house, eldest watches russian news! middle un pop rubbish and the young un watches some great cranky cartoons on the channels I cant find.
    I like a good film of which there isnt many and question time.
    I could happily get rid of it though.
  16. Would be terrible if someone accidentally stuck a screw driver in the back of it ;)...
  17. Tv only at weekends thats when i don a basque and high heels
    Oops wrong tv
    Terrordales likes this.
  18. Will be a while till papers decline, I think. Still enjoy me daily reading of The Times.
  19. It will be a sad day when the papers stop
    I cant get my fire going with an e book reader
  20. I bet you could get a fire going with an ebook reader ;0

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