Today is Relive Your Past By....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, May 15, 2018.

  1. 'Tis quite rude :eek:
  2. Ace
  3. Close one eye
    Jack Tatty likes this.
  4. I was wondering about that
  5. Dub and Dubber

    Dub and Dubber Supporter

    Led Zeppelin, Physical Graphiti ... Think it was the cover/box that I "bought" but the contents did not disappoint!
  6. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Close on 7000 vinyl albums and just over 10000 CDs.
    Some of which are still sealed and have never been played.
    scrooge95 likes this.
  7. Need to start playing then ,can’t be long now :D
    Terrordales likes this.
  8. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    They are the "investment" ones, the Eldest Unmarried has already marked the as hers when I shuffle off this mortal coil.
    She knows the prices as well as I do.
    Ermintrude likes this.
  9. Yes but you could have the last laugh and play them :D
    Louey, Ermintrude and Terrordales like this.
  10. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    I bought these three singles all around the same time, but I can't actually remember which was the first (might have to google the charts from 1981!)
    2014-07-12_a-guy-works-down-the-chip-shop.jpg new life.jpg R-474734-1436030638-3939_jpeg.jpg

    Couldn't afford albums, so I've genuinely no idea what the first one would've been that I actually bought myself.

    The first one that I really wanted, and begged my Mum & Dad to get me for Christmas back when I was 9, was this though (still got it, still play it!)
    Geordie, bernjb56 and Ermintrude like this.
  11. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    No !!!!!
    I might be an immortal.
    Louey and Ermintrude like this.

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