tiny and stephen get there first project and its a 20 millionth edition

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by shielsy, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. How much do you want for it owen?
  2. now painted , and windows in what a difference owen nw
  3. [​IMG]
  4. [​IMG]
    paradox and smoggyrich like this.
  5. just got the rims blalsted with a very good friend 5 rims in side and out and primed £25

    another mate took all the tyres tubes etc out supplying me with 2 new dunlop nos tyres £42 all and all tyres refitted and balanced
    owen nw
  6. [​IMG]
    need 2 of these lenses
  7. Quality work Owen, as per usual :thumbsup:
  8. many thanks ,owen nw
  9. Looking great owen
  10. Wow, thats not just green its
  11. new track rod end rubbers
    new shoe s from ebay
    paradox likes this.
  12. got my new king pins fitted £100 ? i thought that dear as i supplied the new kits , then a friend called up in his 5oo he has since it was bought to him for his first car 28 years ago ,
    has 126 engine and box and wheels fitted
    very nippy
    i fitt like a very large glove
    old meets new
  13. [​IMG]
    new king pind fitted
  14. [​IMG]
  15. getting closer owen nw

    paradox likes this.
  16. pics of the fiat after it was found in a shed with 500 gardinera est
    500 is restored
  17. [​IMG]



    me da doing his inspection lol
    readey for a refresh
  18. [​IMG]

  19. Nice work on the engine. Is it 600cc?

    You could have fitted a Yamaha R1 engine. ;)
    womball likes this.
    need bottom clutch cover

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