The price of fuel and your solutions for using less.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rickyrooo1, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    thats interesting about the tdi joker, i've been toddling along in mine trying to save diesel, looks like its going to get thrashed from now on!
  2. I haven't read all the posts and I'm sure it's been said before, as it's the most obvious answer. The best solution for using less fuel is to reduce the level of dependence on your vehicles and drive less. I deliberately live as close to work as possible, within walking distance (as the worse thing in life for me was sitting in traffic day after day). Nowadays, in 4 vehicles (none of which are fuel efficient or eco-friendly), I'll travel only about 12000 miles per year, 5000 of which will be in the camper at weekends / holidays.
  3. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

  4. and for me, I wouldn't want to live closer to work :-
  5. anna@vwheritage

    anna@vwheritage Sponsor

    All i can say on the fuel prices is thank god my mum pushed me to buy the lupo and not a crappy other car of my choice 8 years ago.

    30 quid a year tax and 110 miles from £10 worth of fuel.

    do 30 miles a day just to and from work which i wish was closer.

    couldnt live wihtout it. even my bike does less MPG and is more to tax
  6. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Maybe I should stop driving V8s :thinking:
  7. Cant believe I used to commute to Notts in my bus from Bolton!!! Wouldnt be worth working if I did that now!
  8. anna@vwheritage

    anna@vwheritage Sponsor

    i struggle to see how anyone can justify running some of the cars out there. big petrol motors like 20v turbos etc.

    I could probs stretch to the fuel but i weould never save anythign or have spare money for other things like shows, shopping, cinema, takeaway the usual treats
  10. The next car I buy will have fuel efficient and cost of tax as the no1 priorities :)

    I did toy with the idea of buying an Eco scooter a while back - but currently get the train to work.
  12. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I also like to drive real close behind them big lorries it keeps the wind off. ;D
  14. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  15. I find it does make a massive difference to fuel consumption doing it on a long run

    I do hate reading the same writing on the back of the truck over and over again though
  16. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  19. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I dont drive in a very straight line to busy texting so they can see bits of me now and then >:D

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