the Olympic Games opening ceremony thread.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hippyrichy, Jul 27, 2012.

  2. The old dear is doing it right, just covering it up with a handkerchief.
  3. It amazed me as it wasn't just a short hail, it was a full from the waist up to the salute. Amazing.
  4. to be fair - there was movement like a limp wave
  5. Watch out for the panzers
  6. Yeah, the kind of limp wave that would have made hitler report him to the SS.

  7. Right annoyed now, the presenters are just spouting rubbish. 'a big hello to those from New Zealand, all about 12 hours ahead of us, watching this over their breakfast.'

    I make that about midday there then, try lunchtime. Idiot.
  8. 'in glorious hd, high definition and 3d. Go to the hd channel to watch in 3d.'

    Really, can you hear yourself?
  9. Hue Edwards giving a war and trauma history of each country. I don't think he's keeping with the Olympic spirit.
  10. Love this latest update to Trevor Nelson's wiki page. [​IMG]
  11. hahaha
  12. Rez


    Will it be an athlete or celebrity?
    Paul McCartney would be my guess if it's not an athlete.
  13. Moons

    Moons Guest

    Keep an eye out for GB triathlete Vicky Holland, I used to be her landlord!!

    I've loved this ceremony, even better than I'd hoped, that opening part with the industrial theme was brilliant, Mr Bean a legend!
  14. its been a top class evening
  15. Moons

    Moons Guest

    That cauldron is utter class, have to say.

    Dunno why, the pilot light on me boiler just went out though...
  16. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    First opening ceremony I've ever watched - great music :)

    They've done a very good job
  17. Great cauldron and a bit of Floyd for the fireworks
  18. Typical Britain, flawless right to the end, the production team relax a bit thinking they have done it then they mess up the final act of the night and press play on Paul McCartney's backing track.
  19. They'll be singing Hey Jude the whole way home.!
  20. begs the question - why have a backing track

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