the Olympic Games opening ceremony thread.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hippyrichy, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. Look good so far! Loved the opening band, scarecrow, maypole and sheep!

    This is looking to be a fun show!
  2. It's making my toes curl already :(. Let's hope it gets better...
  3. It's imbarrising makes me want to change my nationality. And I'm watching it in 3D.
  4. I'm pretending I'm Pakistani.
  5. I'm going back to my birth right an Australian. And that's not much better.
  6. I've got the song match stick men and match stick cats and dogs going through my brain cell.
  7. well the chimmnys look good :thinking:
  8. Liking it myself. Very different! Finding it quite refreshing.
  9. Getting better now
  10. yes indeed :thinking:
  11. Well impressed with the queen sky diving in. She so rocks.
  12. Am I the only one who thinks this is awesome and proud to be British?!!
  13. Loved the coming together of the rings!

    The Queen!
  14. Drunk Ardvark I would say yes. But I'm always wrong so my wife tells me.
  16. Those kids from GOSH are great!
  17. It's good to think a lot of these people are normal people. Working at GOSH.
  18. It certainly is different :))
  19. Still got no va va voom in it.
  20. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    I think it's great . Mike Oldfiel too :)

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