Sick Sick People.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by the2ems, Nov 5, 2018.

  1. Sadly I think you’re right. I didn’t hear the sound on the video but it appears not to have been overtly racist so prob not a hate crime. Happy to be corrected. But I bet the perps will get off, sniggering, with a slapped wrist.
    And yes, good point @Moons. I’ve always found the Lewes bonfire effigies uncomfortable. We’ve gone a long way from Guy Fawkes and now it seems to be ok to burn effigies as a political act. Can’t ever remember a left winger being burned? When did all that become a tradition? To me it’s another example of the nasty and often violent intolerance of other people’s views that is rapidly becoming normalised.
    Of course if Twitter /social media didn’t exist then that Grenfell Tower bonfire wouldn’t have been seen by millions, some of whom are bound to laugh and think ‘well if they can do that I want to go a sick step further’. And so the extremes keep on polarising further and further apart.
    1930s indeed.
    Merlin Cat, chad, bernjb56 and 4 others like this.
  2. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    My god @Kkkaty you talk a lot of sense :thumbsup:
  3. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    So some of the issues start with anyone wanting to discuss 'left' issues are apparently far right leaning or nothing.

    We all know what the far right is capable of...but what the extreme left have historically done is swept under the carpet.

    You used to have moderate left...they apparently don't exist now, so the far lefts extremes are given free reign. They don't seem to see the hypocrisy.

    Pale, stale and male isn't racist or anti male apparently.

    The far left from what I can see don't address issues that are important anymore (possibly as there are no easy answers) and invest huge energy in p1ssant non events that affect very few people, but come with a rich moral outrage.

    I don't understand smells like an arguement over very little to distract from something much bigger.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
    redoxide, chad, matty and 1 other person like this.
  4. Interestingly, in the early days they used to burn effigies of the Pope. And there was a law introduced "Observation of the 5th November Act" which was all about saying prayers to celebrate the King's lucky escape.
    Kkkaty and Dub and Dubber like this.
  5. Dub and Dubber

    Dub and Dubber Supporter

    I haven't formally studied social politics but as a middle-aged white bloke who is a moderate lefty, who's Dad fled Germany in 1933 (and who's Uncle returned to East Berlin after the war to "fight facism") I like to think I have a reasonably balanced take on all this.
    Because things are polarising, @Moons and others are going to be unfairly lumped together with the archetypal "far-right", even by some moderate lefties, and vice versa.
    Meanwhile the "far" anybodies, seeing themselves as absolutely correct in all their assertions, but as marginal and in a minority, "shout" ever louder to make themselves heard and "relevant".
    That's what's good about TLB and the like because even the flimsiest of initial connections (a handful of years of the production of one incarnation of a single old vehicle!) reminds us that we're all just people who worry about their kids, their jobs their rocker cover gaskets and have to buy bog roll every so often.
    art b, Kkkaty, Merlin Cat and 7 others like this.
  6. matty

    matty Supporter

    I’m alright as I can’t tell my left from my right most of the time
    art b, Merlin Cat and Dub and Dubber like this.
  7. As a republican catholic I find the burning of guy fawkes quite offensive.

    I might start a campaign next year for a laugh to see if I can get effigies of him banned. I bet if I kick up enough of a stink on twitter and Instagram I will end up on sky news, they love a random nutter with a cause. What a crazy country this has become.
  8. sadly there have always been “sick” ?? People !! It’s not new is it !! why do the media write three words as a headline that’s got two words below it that change what those three words mean . It’s sick ,and it causes trouble . Interviews with the wrong people causes trouble that wasn’t there . Making rules and laws don’t work if you don’t inforce them . Some /a lot think ,,,,, they are above law,,, why because they don’t get punished for what they do ,and learn by their mistakes . Yep it’s all gone crazy , makes you wonder where it’s going to end . o_O:(
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  9. As stupid and idiotic that this is - Channel 4 news has just named the bloke who's house this happened at.

    That is wrong.
  10. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    That is super irresponsible :(
    Moons, scrooge95 and Barneyrubble like this.
  11. you can read all about it in the Daily Mail as well. Been in there since about lunchtime so CH4 seem a bit slow.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2018
  12. See they’ve been released pending further investigations.

    Which is code for we’ve told them not to be so silly again and in a few weeks when this has all blown over we will quietly drop it as we’ve realised there’s no realistic chance of a conviction.

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