Ressurect a thread from the dead

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rickyrooo1, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. What we really need is for someone to have a tantrum, put on a long Oscar winning leaving speech.... That hasn't happened in a while :)
  2. Huh? What?
    Mrs Moosey and Silver like this.
  3. Well I had fun with marmite and cheesy poofs :D
  4. Bump.
    Is 6 months too soon? :)
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    not if 6 MONTHS is 2 YEARS in oscarland. :rolleyes:
  6. I was accused of doing this very recently, by a long-standing member, and it really p*ssed me off. Touch of the that all members are equal (regarding what can be said) but some are more equal than others...I suppose it's inevitable, when people have been on this forum for a while, and folk get used to their 'style' of communicating.
    Made me realize that this forum isn't quite as democratic as I first thought. Guess it's a salutory lesson...
    Note to self: avoid the temptation to respond to threads, the content or sentiment of which you strongly disagree with, and believe ought to be's just somebody else's opinion at the end of the day:cool:

    Anyway...sorry if I've gone off topic...but in my defence, it does concern a past thread.
  7. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    just talk about pants/farts and boobs you'll be safe, it works for malc.
  8. Better to voice an opinion, if you have one rather than keeping quiet? Obviously there are limits as far as what may be defined as simply abuse rather than opinion. I do think the forum is democratic since differences can be aired.
  9. That's just your opinion....and I strongly disag.......oh ffs!
  10. I agree....but if it's about something you feel quite strongly, you tend to 'wear your heart on your sleeve' ...great in a private situation between those involved, that needs resolving with openness and honesty....not so great on a public forum....where 'the audience' can wade in.
  11. Well yes that is the nature of the beast but sometimes it's a risk worth taking, otherwise silence could be taken as a sign of acquiescence when in fact the opposite might hold true. Not a very healthy sign in any society in my opinion.
  12. You've just restored my faith in far as this forum's concerned:D

    mainly 'cos you spelt 'acquiescence' correctly;)
  13. Only joshin' @fritt've hit the nail on the head
  14. thread from the dead , what about the dying or alive even , at least it wouldnt be so morbid then :D
  15. Yeah but 'Thread from the Dead' has got a nice ring to it....:D
  16. Respond from Beyond?
    matt likes this.
  17. onions did we ever talk about onions , some know their onions others dont ?
  18. Post from the in The angelic?

    what i know about onions could be written on a spherical postage stamp that peels of in consecutive layers
  19. I know nothing but I'm sure you could string a few along :D
  20. come back Omias...all is forgiven

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