OK folks, how do i dig myself out of this rut?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zebedee, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. Where abouts are you based mate?
  2. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    It's not always that clear cut. Not everyone is able to "pull themselves together" and not everyone who can, can do it every single time. At some point every one of us needs a helping hand. Telling someone to "get on with it" or "suck it up" is not helpful.

    Zeb remember that things change and your situation will change as well. You won't be feeling like this forever. Moons post was probably the most useful n this thread.
    paradox, Moons and brothernumberone like this.
  3. feel for you mate, its not easy sometimes picking yourself up and getting on with the daily grind, just the simplest things can be so hard, give it time and your inner strength will come back, money certainly can be a hindrance to happiness, is there anything you can sell in your house that you never use to raise funds? facebook pages can be really good for it, join some for sale pages in your area and just post up pictures of stuff you want to sell and im sure you could raise some funds that way? chip up fella, we've all been there :)
    Merlin Cat and Barneyrubble like this.
  4. I 2nd the following
    If no money to tax then go monthly or sorn.
    Finish the garage having your own space to work/escape is a real win.
    Take the black dog for some exercise, good walks always seems to calm the the lows and settle my mind.
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  5. Sorry to hear you're feeling down at least the days are getting longer and it won't be long until spring is here. Hope you feel better soon. I had a similar feeling this last summer with my near break up with my partner. I couldn't have said the weather was making me feel bad though with all that sun! The situation seemed awful at the time but now things are back on track and things are looking up and hopefully it's all behind us.
    Merlin Cat, sANDYbAY and Barneyrubble like this.
  6. nowt wrong with turning to others, sometimes you dont have the power mentally or physically huh.I know you might think that you have to make that decision but sometimes you cant or arnt allowed or others may have to make it for you "just sayin" speeking from my lifes experiences . Lifes choices can be controlled by other stuff too.
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    In a nutshell when you need to act and circumstances seem to prevent it, the natural reaction is depression. Most peoples depression is not a chemical imbalance, it's a natural reaction to very real circumstances. You've been much the same since the birth of TLB. I'm afraid you need to tackle the big stuff.

    Do I have your permission to suggest something that you might not like?
    jivedubbin and Merlin Cat like this.
  8. Merlin Cat likes this.
  9. You ain't the only one buddy trust me
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  10. We all feel down at times its part of the human condition, this clip helped me understand it better I think everyone should see it I hope it works, its on You tube and is called "I had a black dog" from the world health organization.
    Merlin Cat, zed and lost-en-france like this.
  11. yes ,you have mine...:thumbsup:

    Sorry my posts have not been the best of help ,but he does need to do something ....
    zed and Merlin Cat like this.
  12. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    It looks like its the thing you can't, or feel you can't control, either thru lack of cash or other reasons. Is there anything positive you can do/change that is under your control? This may make you feel less helpless ( I've just made the jump to decide you feel helpless but may be completely wrong)

    Can you make a list of small things you can achieve? I know that sounds a bit kaftan wearing pointless, but it may focus your mind and start you looking forward positively.

    Good luck and a hug to you. Be cheered by the responses from other TLBers, even if you disagree with them, folks are listening to you and taking time to think how to help you :)
    zed, Barneyrubble and lost-en-france like this.
  13. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I don't need yours :p Anyway I've changed my mind, I don't know Zeb, I've never met him, but...

    I'm in a similar situation perhaps. Perpetually skint and treading water while getting nothing that needs tackling done. I distract myself from the things I should face up to largely by going to work and sanding stuff. It doesn't make it go away, but it puts it off. I know very well that I'd be happier if I face up to these things, none of which are really that bad! In fact I know they are good life changing things, but still I put them off. I also know that the process of doing these things will be liberating and even fun, but still I don't do them. I know nobody will be let down either.

    So... I know what you're on about, but I don't have an answer.
    jivedubbin, Jack Tatty and Surfari like this.
  14. CBT :thumbsup:
  15. that`s the solution well done !!!!!!:chewie:

    Go take your motorbike test...:D
    Surfari likes this.
  16. There is more than one CBT! ;)
    Cognitive behavior therepy
  17. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    if you've got no kids pack a bag and head for the hills, wife optional
    zed likes this.
  18. Not cock and ball torture then
    Flakey, zed and Barneyrubble like this.
  19. Have you thought about a daylight lamp? I have a vitamin D deficiency, especially this time of year with so little sunlight. I started off going on a sunbed, just for 3 minutes every fortnight (only 50p a minute), so it was very low risk. And I'm still very pale. :(

    I was recently given a daylight lamp (it has to be a medically approved one otherwise it's not strong enough) and I have it on for an hour every morning. I believe some doctors surgeries or drop in centres have a room with a light box that people can go and sit in for a while. It's worth asking at your doctors.if they have anything like this.

    So many people are lacking vitamin D this time of year, without even realising it's having any effect on them.

    Good luck fella, there's ALWAYS solutions to every problem... you've got to look hard enough for it.
    Merlin Cat and zed like this.
  20. There's always light at The end of the tunnel you need professional help like seeing your GP as a start
    Merlin Cat likes this.

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