Noddy Dodging

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Technohippy, Nov 27, 2017.

  1. Game over for me. went delivering pressies last evening. Radio in kitchen was playing it. - couldn't escape.
    Technohippy likes this.
  2. Childhood should remain as Noddy free as possible. You're not doing them any favours.

    Have you done your nativity yet?
    rustbucket and Technohippy like this.
  3. @72wilma use the Noel Gallagher version -

    it's a dry, uninspiring, overly nasal, low grade rendition with no real go to it as you'd expect from him, but at least it isn't Noddy
  4. I'd rather be Noddied than listen to that manky b*
    Pony, nicktuft, jivedubbin and 2 others like this.
  5. Ah yes the darlings, can't publicly post here for very obvious reasons. All traditions were maintained. Tea towels, stripey bathrobes, a jar of bath salts, old tin chocolate box (about 1950s we reckon), manky stuffed toy sheep (mine and my sisters, eyes missing, the works), curiously silent kings, nose picking angels, Joseph and Mary upstaged by the donkey and a star who wouldn't hand over the baby Jesus.
    rustbucket, Pony, scrooge95 and 7 others like this.
  6. So...pretty much as usual, then?

    Hope you all sang "Oh littowl taaahn of Beffle'em"...
  7. Nah, modern ish stuff, Niki Davis must be rubbing their hands at this time of year
  8. Not even "Littowl Donkeeeeeey"?
  9. No 'A Waynnne in a maaannngggeerrr either
    jivedubbin and snotty like this.
  10. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Think of the children and sacrifice yourself for them.
    scrooge95 likes this.
  11. I'm sure you can fail a CRB check for playing Noddy to children
    crossy2112 and Terrordales like this.
  12. It's Dbs now and the threshold is very low :D
  13. No Noddy on the list, Phil Spector Christmas album. We've had the 'a artistic product versus the artist as preditor' discussion a day we've gone with the music
    jivedubbin and Terrordales like this.
  14. Phil Spector, there's a shining example of a man......
    jivedubbin and 72wilma like this.
  15. But damn good songs, maybe he used up all his goodness in his production?

    Still noddy free
    Terrordales likes this.
  16. 2nd party done, quick shopping trip to town, Noddy dodging managed :thumbsup:
    Technohippy and Terrordales like this.
  17. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Still untainted by any Noddyness here. :chewie:
    72wilma likes this.
  18. At this point in time I am still noddy free
    Technohippy and 72wilma like this.
  19. Went into home base last nite and guess what...

    Xmas songs in full swing..
    Got to the plumbing fittings ,
    most of the stuff was missing ,

    So got out Rapido..
    "Step into Christmas "
    was playing all through that visit...:D
    That's cringe worthy when your noddy dodging..

    That's gotta be a warning that noddy is gonna get me,
    now I've gotta dodge into wickes

    The radio stations must be going for noddy soon...:eek:
    Technohippy, jivedubbin and 72wilma like this.

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