Noddy Dodging

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Technohippy, Nov 27, 2017.

  1. I think you're ok ..:thumbsup:

    if you never heard noddy in full flow with ...
    ....ITS.... CHRISTMAS....
    Pony likes this.
  2. we live in dodgy times
  3. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    Same pub one week after the 1st time :(
    jivedubbin and Technohippy like this.
  4. Still Noddy free, I've managed a works night out, herding 104 kids through a Christmas grotto (that was a close one) a day shopping around town. I'm going to Chester zoo lantern walk tonight, I'll let you know how it goes
  5. Step into Christmas is the only song by Fat Reg that I can live with
    CollyP and snotty like this.
  6. that or "so here it is merry christmas" that's still Noddy declaring Christmas but yeah sounds like you're in the clear still
  7. Yeah I’m still noddy free
    I need to go into a few shops in town tomorrow so it may be game over
    Time will tell
    jivedubbin, art b and Technohippy like this.
  8. Lanterns yesterday, shopping today, still noddy free
    jivedubbin and Technohippy like this.
  9. I have been noddy free so far but was taken out big time this morning :(

    I slept late and got up about 10:30 and was just stood on my upstairs landing trying to come round a bit and the kids had the music TVs on........ it was on full blast....... I was even singing along a small bit, until I realised what was happening, well and truly nodded :rolleyes:

    rustbucket, Pony, jivedubbin and 4 others like this.
  10. I've been George Michael-ed several times. Is that ok?
    Pony, jivedubbin and Technohippy like this.
  11. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    That is never okay!
    crossy2112, jivedubbin and CollyP like this.
  12. Daammm and Blast. I took my mother into a rural garden centre to choose new christmas ornaments for her mantlepiece. Only there 2 minutes and it came on. I whizzed her out smartish but I got at least a line or two. Then had her sulking all the way home and complaining I held her elbow too tight.
  13. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    That’s me out too, clock radio signalled the start of another week and also that “it’s chriiiiiiiistmaaaaas”
    Ah well, I do rather like it
    Technohippy and CollyP like this.
  14. I’ve been in three shops so far
    Currently sat in new look waiting for eldest daughter to try some clothes on
    Still noddy free
  15. I've got a dilemma, I'm in the middle of creating a Christmas party playlist for the children's parties tomorrow and Wednesday. Do I add Noddy thus deliberately self-Noddying? Or deny the children the joy of Noddy?
    Terrordales likes this.
  16. Use a non original version
    Technohippy likes this.
  17. i heard a muzac one in the pub... it had no words...:confused:
  18. its behind you ...:eek:
  19. at least I have not been driving home for Xmas
    scrooge95 and snotty like this.

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