Nice attack

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rustbucket, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. nicktuft

    nicktuft Supporter

    It must have been horrific and I can't imagine how all those people are going to cope.
    It will be life changing for sure and with some very sad losses.
    My mentality cannot understand barbaric reasoning, so how does it work?
  2. Just when you thought nothing could top the Nice attacks in the news, the Turkish military have launched a coup against the Turkish government!

    Wonder if it's in response to last night's attacks, or was in the running a long time?
  3. Knob.
    shielsy likes this.
  4. PIE


    I can only imagine
    Yes Sarge Ive locked up this north african for being sat in a truck,
    Well done son, you may keep your job if you complete a diversity cuorse.
    But sarge the truck was refrigerated
    Thats OK then, your not a racist!!!
    Jono1249, nicktuft and oscar like this.
  5. nicktuft

    nicktuft Supporter

    Apparantly tried in 1997, which forced the resignation of the then prime minister Nemettin Erbakan.
    Bridges closed, gunshots and helicopters are audible in Ankara and Istanbul.
    stewart kombi likes this.
  6. I was trying to think how to answer that one.
    You nailed it. Lol
  7. I hope they get rid of that president of Turkey. Turkey have been supporting ISIS 100% and trying to expand Turkey into Syrian lands.
    Sadly various western agencies including MI6 have been supporting this from Incirlik and Cyprus, and helping the terrorists kill Shia ,Alawi and Christians in Syria and Iraq.
    The Middle East will be a safer place without that scumbag.
    nicktuft likes this.
  8. nicktuft

    nicktuft Supporter

    Will wake up in the morning to see how it is all going to pan out..
  9. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Michelle was back home in Northwood providing weather reports for you guys out there. She was Fleet Air Arm.
    Pickles likes this.
  10. Just seen a video of the truck coming head on into the crowd.

    Absolutely horrific.
    Not graphic, but it doesn't take much to imagine what happened :(

    Lost for words.

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