My other hobby is.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chillicamper, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. all sorts really, geocaching, walking the dog, listening to music, collecting celtic tattoos, mountain biking, but finding time to do stuff with children and family life tends to take priority. can understand why a shed garage is handy to sneak off into.
  2. There is a massive display of pyrography in the main corridor in the Royal Orthopedic Hospital in Birmingham. If I can, I'll see if I can get some pictures when I'm up there tomorrow.
  3. Making soap and sewing are my favourite things.
    I made these easter candles for my parents easter present.
  4. I've been building a radio controlled helicopter for nearly 2 years
    Majorhangover likes this.
  5. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I make candles and candles make FIRE :D
  6. Ive just got into building a rc helis, nearly finished it just got to get my head around setting it up. Bought an electric one for me and my son to have a go on before I go the full hog and get a nitro one.
    Even built myself a workstation in the spare room.
    Im into keeping Malawi Chiclids and photography.
    Majorhangover likes this.
  7. I like making stained glass panels. I've done a Flickr album of all the bits I've done so far (right from the untidy pieces when I was first learning!):
    (don't know if the link will work ...).
    Hoping to make a few to sell in the coming months but it's a bit 'chicken and egg' with spending time and money on making something that may or may not sell ...
    chillicamper and Tiny-Pie like this.
  8. i love animals more than anything so my rescue work is important to me, going to start volunteering for hedgehog rescue when my essays/uni work have finished...
    i also love doing my own little craft stalls and making candles and soaps too... :) x
  9. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Anyone who looks after hedgehogs gets the :thumbsup: from me.

    Chillicamper, those drawings or whatever they are (is it a kind of etching? enlighten us...) are really good. I like that Steampunk look
  10. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    The link works fine and I think your panels are brilliant. I think you could easily sell them on commision.
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  11. Beekeeping, that's fantastic Matty :)
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  12. matty

    matty Supporter

    Thanks been doing it for about 5 years now

    hears one of my hives

    and a bee
  13. Thanks for that - it's given me a nice boost :)
    Farrantini likes this.
  14. I have an allotment so I love to make chutneys and jam with the fruit and veg we grow.

    Love to bake


    Love fell walking in the lakes. 32 Wainwrights down!!
  15. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I used to race these, but 3 or 4 years ago I stopped for some reason.

    jivedubbin and matty like this.
  16. Memories - used to race a Lark a few years ago - went to Bala!
  17. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    ...and what a joyful name for a boat. I used to sail lasers but I hurt my back and after the hiking was too much. Solo's are wider and you can be lazy most of the time. :D
  18. Cheers JT

    Pyrography is burning the image on to wood. I use a Peter Childs burner. Basically looks like a pen connected to a box with a cable. At the end of the pen you fit a loop of wire bent to make a fine nib. The burner unit has a dial to vary the current and therefore the heat the burning wire puts out. So basically its very like pencil of charcoal sketching. The harder you press the nib, or the longer you hold it in one place, the deeper and darker the burnt area. I use a second nib which is hammered in to a mini spoon shape (abot 2-3mm across) to do wider 'splodges' to make up leaves of shrubs/trees. You really can make up hundreds of different shaped nibs from wire, but at the moment I get by with 2.

    If you hold the nib in one place too long, you not only burn too deep and dark, but also get a scorching smudged effect either side of the line.

    I copy of sketch the outline of an image on to wood, then burn the outline and shade it in bit by bit.
    paradox and Mrs Moosey like this.
  19. Wow - pretty cakes. Too good to eat!
  20. Mrs Moosey they tasted pretty good too!! :) Are you planning on going to V Dub Island? If you are then I can bring some with me so you can taste.

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