Malpassi Regulator Orientation

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Little Nellie, May 13, 2021.

  1. I stopped reading after “If you dare…”.

    Just had another go by hand and it went in a bit further. Perhaps I just need to do 10• more each week and give it a break to get used to the new angle.

    Your space spider made this look easy. At least i’m happy with everything else about the setup now.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. The spider was luck, although the ally fittings I use slways seem to work well. As above, you’ll always have the prob with tapered unions that aren’t straight - ‘tis the nature of the things.

    Cutting the taper a bit deeper would likely work, but go carefully. Cut it too far down (expanding the taper) and you’ll run out of thread, so it won’t seal.
    PanZer and Zed like this.

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