In The Club.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by top banana racing, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. I believe there are one or two south coast resorts that cater for that ilk....Brighton comes to mind...
  2. I'll look into that. ;)
  3. The best thing about joining the caravan club is you won't ever have to camp anywhere near me.
    I view the Caravan Club logo on a campsite entrance as a warning sign, I just can't be doing with the keeping-up-with-the-Jones' actual caravanners and their overwhelming competitive need to get up earlier than anyone else in a campsite and plug in a tinny, rattly 12volt hoover and hoover out their horrible shed thing. Last thing I want when I'm on holiday is over-zealous early morning coffin-dodgers trying to make the most of the limited number of seconds they have left in this world.
  4. Whilst being in the class, as you so nicely put it, of a coffin dodger, may I reassure you that not all of us feel the need to hoover when on holiday or indeed keep up with the Jones'. :D
  5. The best thing about C&CC sites is the peace and quiet as you sit outside in the evening with a beverage. All the caravanners bugger off inside their white boxes by 7 to watch telly:thumbsup:
  6. Not all, but you do know the sort I'm talking about and while 7am hoovering and a CC membership number are not mutually inclusive, the sign on the campsite does always seem to attract some of them, and you do only need one on a nice quiet site to spoil it for everyone :D
  7. You can always rely on @Technohippy for an unbiased view. :D
  8. 'Coffin Dodger' I love It!!
    Shall we start a sub group on this forum?
    Fritt is obviously a nautical, and I'm an Aeronautical coffin Dodger,
    fritt likes this.
    Technohippy likes this.
  10. A friend of mine also with a late bay said he joined CCC so he could take out much cheaper breakdown insurance. Just been on the site and not to sure on this once paid the joining fee and insurance (green flag mayday) full package.
  11. Usually an honest view based on first hand experience of such things, especially that particular incident and on more than one occasion in more than one campsite.... oh and I did once sit in my van listening to a woman on a pitch in the next field give a very long "I want a divorce because..." speech that seemed to include a bit about the superior prowess of other club members in some detail. Why do people with caravans not realise that a thinly skinned ally shed is a very efficient acoustic resonator?
  12. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    C&C for us - age concession don't you know :)
  13. Perhaps we should have a Late Bay Swingers Club too? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

    Anyone for MOTTLBSC? :weak:
  14. I'm prepared to wager there's already one that the likes of you and I don't know about
    Top Banana Racing likes this.
  15. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Throw your keys in the bowl and hope you get one that starts ;)
  16. we're members of the C&CC - we've been to four sites this year and all have been good - we only do the certified sites, nice and small and isolated most of the time.
    fritt likes this.
  17. I'm not sure that would work with old bays... pick a key, then pick one of the several bays that you can get into with that key... hmmmm
  18. FTFY
    paradox likes this.
  19. As you may know , I am against any campsite...:D

    There is a campsite at the bottom of the col de Aspin ,security fenced stopping free loaders like me entering ,opposite is a big massive field, where I and other skinflints park ,looking over on a evening, it looked like all the inhabitants were in jail ..:D

    Ok, I smell rank ,but at least I am free...:chewie:
    zed, paradox and Technohippy like this.
  20. Didn't @Rickyetta Roo used to use that line too? ;)
    zed likes this.

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