If you cant beat them join them

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, May 12, 2015.

  1. Im thinking of buying a few pairs of these


    And selling the paravan and buying one of these


    The shoving one of these in my mouth

    Oh i forgot the trousers for race days

  2. Hawdy haw haw ! I say Bertram, fwot a smashing chap
    Moons likes this.
  3. Good luck with that...don't forget to breed with your cousins...;)
    Moons and Cov1987 like this.
  4. PIE


    I do wear breeks five months of the year!!!
    No Range Rover, will a Kangoo 4x4 do?
    No plumb or pink slacks though!
    paradox likes this.
  5. That the Tory party up there ? ^^
    SweeneyTodd likes this.
  6. JamesLey

    JamesLey Sponsor

    Barneyrubble and Flakey like this.
  7. Flakey likes this.
  8. Merlin Cat likes this.
  9. PIE


    Tony Blair said the only thing he ever regreted about his term was the hunting ban?
  10. To be honest as i can be
    This is where me and you may grow a distance between our thinking but like me and dicky i hope we can remain freinds

    I love coursing hares with a running dog and look forward to be able to do it within the law
    Of course (no pun intended) it end up in the pot
    Thats free range food and exercise and mental stimulation i dont have to rely on the tax payer for
    chrisniclia1 likes this.
  11. not the 200, 000 or so Iraqi citizens that have been killed in the name of democracy then....:rolleyes:
    Merlin Cat and CollyP like this.
  12. PIE



    He defended that, two regrets, hunting ban and the freedom of information act.
    Last edited: May 12, 2015
  13. PIE


    @paradox I broke me Orvis rod today landing a 4LB brownie !!
    I didnt know whether to laugh or cry!
  14. Don't get a dog to do your dirty work. Kill it yourself you big girl!
  15. Natures a good teacher but a cruel mistress
  16. Fishing. It's the natural order, the primeval instinct. Man versus fish! What clever monkeys we are.

    There's a lol smilie face missin there
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  17. I do my dog brings it back alive shes very soft mouthed

    Just to flip it a bit she often brings back mixy rabbits whilst out on a normal walk
    Thats a horrible thing and by me dispatching them i do think its better than it carrying on

    Before people get the wrong idea of me
    Im not a toff i didnt go to private school and by no stretch of the imagination rich or in with the rich crowd

    I do think its better to hunt and grow and be out amongst nature whilst doing so than it is to buy from a supermarket and pay to run on a machine in a breeze block building
  18. PIE


    We ate it tonight, it didnt come in a load of packaging or die gagging on the deck of a ship.
    paradox and Dicky like this.
  19. This is just it

    We are so removed nowadays from natural life we are still here because we are head of the food chain and very clever to get that way
    Its evolution and natural

    What gets my goat up is the fact that us humans in the uk at least fuss about and dick dance around so much about false stuff that the powers that be have invented

    Clean water,food,shelter and community would see the human race and the planet safe for time forever
    Yet we feck it all up with rubbish that really doesent matter

    I dont take sides and i wish i could but i cant forever paradox im stuck with
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  20. I know your not about fox hunting in that post but id like to reply to it in that context

    Id rather a hunt with a pack of hounds hunt a fox with a chance for it to outwit the hunt
    Than i would a group of people with shotguns circle a perimeter whilst the crop is cut then shoot them down with little escape as they run out

    Nowts ideal in life so i think you have to accept the best in any situation?

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